Chapter Two

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Their eyes widened at the revelation and they immediately rushed to comfort the Princess.

"I'm so sorry Allura," Hunk said placing his hand on her arm, the paladins adding in their condolences as well. She smiled gently and took his hand it in her own.

"It is alright, it happened a very long time ago, although the pain is still very fresh," she explained.

"There is no need to push away the pain of losing your family Princess," Coran said coming up to Allura from behind and placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I know Coran, but you can't push away your pain either, I know how close you and Alluran were, and his loss hurt you just as much as it hurt me," she replied turning towards the advisor. Coran only nodded faintly before turning his attention back to the paladins.

"How come you guys never told us about them, I mean we have basically carbon copies of them right here," Pidge asked after a short lapse of silence. The two Altean glanced at each other, before looking toward Lance and Shiro.

"We felt that the two of you should be able to start your paths to paladins with clean slates, Alluran and Sheeva were gifted soldiers. As a matter of fact, they were in line to be the next paladins of the blue and black lion," Coran explained pulling up the picture of the late Alteans again. "Sheeva was Zarkon's apprentice, hand picked too from a large number of recruits. Originally he was just supposed to be Alluran's bodyguard, but they soon discovered that he was able to be the black paladin, and was put next in line!" Coran exclaimed proudly. His smile soon fell into a sad frown though.

"And Alluran, he was the crown prince, Allura's younger brother. He possessed a brilliant mind and an even more brilliant eye, being the best marksman in the entire kingdom. He often aided Honerva in her experiments, he was easily drawn in by the blue lion however, and he too was discovered as a paladin," Coran explained tears visible in his eyes when he described the late prince. He continued scrolling through the photos and stopped on one of Sheeva and Alluran in front of the Castle of Lions. Sheeva's arms were wrapped around Alluran's stomach from behind, with his chin pressed into the man's shoulder. While Alluran pressed his cheek into Sheeva's hair, mouth open wide in a laugh.

"It was like watching destiny unfold itself, as soon as they saw each other, they knew," Allura added, a fond smile on her face. "But, then Zarkon happened,"

"What happened to them?" Keith asked.

"He didn't want there to be any doubt that he was the only black paladin. The night that Sheeva and Alluran became promised to one another, he murdered Sheeva in cold blood,"

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