Chapter Seven

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"Oh," Alluran said unlatching from where he was on Shiro's chest and took a few steps backward. Instead of the frown, he expected from the Altean, he was instead graced with a blinding smile.

"My name is Prince Alluran of Altea," he introduced himself with a small nod. Shiro repeated the gesture with a confused stare. He repeated the greeting to all of the paladins then turned back to Allura.

"So what are we doing today?" He asked her with his hands on his hips. She thought for a moment then looked at him with a grin.

"How about a hand to hand combat exercise?" She asked. Alluran's mouth dropped open, then widened in a smile. He turned to looks at the others over his shoulder.

"That sounds like a fantastic idea," he grinned.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" She asked turning around and moving to exit the room.

"Yah!" He cheered and rushed forward to put himself under his big sister's arm. She laughed and flexed it, trapping his head in the crook of her elbow. The others glanced at each other before they followed behind the Altean siblings. As they walked through the halls, Alluran and Allura kept bumping playfully into each other and at one point Alluran was bumped directly into the wall.

"Alright paladins, who wants to go first?" She asked turned to them with her hands on her hips. No one stepped forward, instead, looking around and anything but her face.

"Very well," she huffed. "Pidge."

"Aw man," she groaned stepping forward.

"And...Keith," she finally decided. He smirked at Pidge as she groaned again before looking over at him.

"Can't handle this Pidge?" He asked playfully as they got into their positions at either side of the deck.

"Let's just get this over with, Billy Ray Cyrus," she grinned running forward with a yell. He yelped offended before he ran forward as well.

"So why did you want to do hand to hand?" Alluran asked his sister, looping his arm through hers. She scoffed and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Really?" She asked.

"Well, no but I kind of want to hear you say it," he admitted cuddling closer to her and resting his head on her shoulder. She sighed in annoyance but ruffled his hair.

"I wanted everyone to see how skilled you are at combat," she looked away from him and watched Keith and Pidge's sparring match again.

"So great to hear that my sister thinks so highly of me!" He boasted with a grin.

"Don't let it get to your head, the paladins need someone to learn from and since Lance is probably the least skilled in combat because of his role as the sniper, this will most certainly wake them up," she said with a devious smirk. Alluran shuddered and unlatched himself from her arm and backed away slowly. With a thump on the mat, he looked over and saw Pidge face down on the floor. He went to walk off of the mat but was stopped by Allura.

"Keith now you'll be fighting Hunk," she said holding her hand up.

"What? But I won," he complained gesturing to where Pidge was still laying down.

"...It's a contest," she suddenly decided on. He groaned but returned to his position.

"Sucks to suck bitch," Pidge laughed, crawling to the sideline with a smirk in Keith direction.

"I should have ended you when I had the chance," he scowled. She crawled over and sat beside Alluran's legs.

"Whats up Prince Charming?" She asked looking up at him. Surprisingly, he dropped to the floor beside her with a smile.

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