Chapter Six

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"Oh, um, hello," he said hesitantly with a small wave. The look-a-like gave a tinkling laugh.

"You don't have to look so nervous," he smiled. Lance only shrugged in response and looked away from the alien.

"You're Alluran, aren't you?" He asked looking around the strange space around them.

"That's me!" He cheered gripping Lance by the shoulders and pulling him close. "And do you know what that means?!" He asked excitedly. Lance pulled back slightly from the elated prince.

"We start fusing?" He asked cautiously.

"We start fusing!" He yelled after Lance; then paused with a confused look on his face. "Wait, how do you know about that?" he asked. Lance shrugged his shoulders and looked away from the man.

"Well, Allura, Coran, and Sheeva told us about it," he replied. His eyes widened when Alluran gripped his shoulders again tightly.

"Sheeva is alive?" He asked with a pain filled expression. Lance looked at him in surprise.

"You didn't know that?" Lance asked carefully. "I mean he's not technically alive I guess, he's in Shiro's body," Lance explained. Alluran nodded his head after a moment.

"So he's merging already," Alluran mused with a small smile. "Well, then you already understand the process of what will begin happening between the two of us?" He asked Lance with a smile growing on his lips. Lance only nodded silently and let himself be lifted up by the prince in a tight hug.

"Whoa, you're really strong," Lance gasped out as his middle got crushed in the Altean's arms.

"All Alteans naturally are," he commented setting the boy back down on his feet. "Anyways, I believe that when we wake up I will be the one in control, all the cases of encountered up to this point have shown this pattern," he explained clutching Lance's hands in his own.

"Great!" Lance chirped giving the man a smile. "You'll be able to see Allura and Coran first thing at breakfast!" His enthusiastic smile dropped when he saw the look of hesitance on Alluran's face.

"What wrong? Are you excited to see your family again?" He asked holding Alluran's hand tighter as a sign of comfort.

"It's not that Lance, I just don't know how I will be able to face them, considering how I left them," he responded meekly looking down at their intertwined hands. "I didn't have to die the way I did but I wasn't strong enough to go on without him,"

Lance swallowed around the lump that suddenly formed in his throat. To think that this strong Altean prince had been thinking that he disappointed his family when in reality they had only been praising him and his strong relationship with Sheeva. He shook his hands-free and slammed them onto Alluran's shoulders, making him look into Lance's eyes.

"Don't think like that, since they told us about you all we've heard was how great you two are and how strong you have ever been," Lance said earnestly. "Don't doubt Allura and Coran, they would never hold your death against you," Alluran let himself curl into himself a bit and breathed harshly trying not to start crying against Lance. After a few minutes, he straightened up.

"Thank you, Lance, I really needed to hear that,"

"No problem; from how I see it, we're family now,"

"Are you sure that Sheeva will want that?" Pidge asked incredulously looking at the strange dish that Coran was preparing in front of them.

"Of course, this was one of Sheeva's favourite meals!" Coran said excitedly. "Isn't that right Princess?"

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