Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

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This is based on this Hamilton song. This is an AU of We'll Meet Again, where they were able to defeat Zarkon when he attacked Altea but Sheeva still didn't survive.


Let me tell you what I wish I'd known. When I was young and dreamed of glory. You have no control. Who lives. Who dies. Who tells your story?

His father always told him that when he thought he was about to do something impulsive; something that could have dire consequences. He never thought about what it could mean for him.

When he first heard what Sheeva was going to do, he begged him not to go back into the fight. He had already had his fair share of suffering; he lost his arm for star's sake!

"Alluran, I have to this!" He pleaded with him to understand. Alluran shook his head, just barely suppressing the sob that wanted to tumble out.

"You'll be killed Sheeva! Look around! We're lucky to be alive right now and you want to throw that luck straight out the window!" He cried, gesturing to the large bay window in his bedroom. Just over the horizon, they could see smoking rising. Zarkon was closing in on the capital and it wasn't long before he knew the soldiers would be sent out. The Lions had already been sent away in case the battle didn't stay on Altea.

"How can I just sit here and wait!?" He demanded angrily pacing around the room. Alluran watched him, his heart aching. He glared down at the ground, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I know I can't stop you," he said quietly. Sheeva stopped pacing and looked over at the Crown Prince. "I just wish I didn't have to,"

Sheeva gulped. "I'm sorry,"

"Don't say things you don't mean,"

"Alluran," he tried, trailing forward slightly. Alluran shook his head and turned away from him.

"As soon as you walk out of that door, you forfeit all rights to my heart,"

Sheeva let out a short gasp of surprise. He clenched his fists tight in indecision but ultimately headed for the door. Alluran's legs shook with the want to fall to the floor and sob but he held strong.

Sheeva stopped at the door and looked back at Allurance.

"I'll see you on the other side of the war, my love,"

Every other paladin's story gets told. Every other paladin gets to grow old.

Sheeva died in the battle for Altea. He died distracting Zarkon long enough for Alfor to get the final blow in.

His father died in the battle as well. Alfor knew that Zarkon wouldn't stop until he was dead and he was right. With his last dying breath; Zarkon stabbed him straight through the heart. Then there was nothing.

There were no screams.

No fanfare.

Only silence for miles.

The soldiers took away their killed and wounded. They delivered the news to their families as soon as possible.

Lance didn't find out about Sheeva's death until months later. There was no indication where he was buried, whether he was in a mass grave, where his belongings were, or if he had any final wishes. It was as if they had simply forgotten him.

It was true that Shiro wasn't as well liked as some of the other soldiers. He was opinionated, he had questions about every decision that was made by his higher-ups. People thought that he was taking advantage of being a future paladin and thought that he was better than regular soldiers.

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