Chapter Four

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"That is indeed my name Paladin,"

"What are you doing here? Where even is here?" Shiro asked hesitantly. "Isn't this where I fought Zarkon?"

"Again you are correct," The Altean replied. "I assume you have other questions. Go ahead,"

"Uh, okay. What is happening right now?" Shiro asked looking the Altean over. He was wearing the same uniform as the pictures depicted him in.

"I've come to tell you about your past," Sheeva replied. That made Shiro's head snap up to look at the doppelgänger.

"What do you mean my past, isn't it your life?" His eyebrow furrowed in confusion.

"More or less, have you heard of reincarnation?" Shiro nodded his head, still confused. "That is our predicament, we are more or less two halves of a whole, although you had to be told of this otherwise I wouldn't have be awakened,"

"Okay, I think I'm following but what happens from now on?" Shiro asked.

"Well, I believe that we will be sharing a body from now on, neither of us will have full control and will likely swap from one to the other randomly until we are able to become one," Sheeva explained placing a finger to his chin thoughtfully.

"What?!" Shiro blanched. Sheeva looked at him curiously.

"What? Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Whats wrong!? Everything about this is wrong! I can't share my body with you!" He yelled at the still confused man.

"Whatever do you mean? Its not like we have a choice anyways, we are stuck with each other," he growled getting into Shiro's space.

"Can't you just go away or something? I can't deal with this right now," Shiro cried exasperated.

"No I can't, I don't understand why you are making such a fuss about it, Alluran and Lance are probably getting along splendidly right now, and you won't even consider the possibility," Sheeva huffed turning away from Shiro.

"Look, fine. Can I go now? We have training that I was just about to go to," Shiro grumbled pinching his nose in his fingers. Sheeva sighed.

"Fine, but we are talking about this at a later date."

"Great.. can't wait," Shiro replied.

Shiro jolted awake on the seat of his lion nervously looking at the time and noticing that only a minute had gone by on the clock. He quickly ejected into space and drifted closer to the other lions, ready to start training.

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