Chapter Five

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"Alright team, let's get started," Shiro said joining the group on the outside of the ship. He smiled when he heard the cheers of agreements coming from his teammate's comms. They turned towards the Castle waiting for a command from their leader.

"We're ready Princess," he stated confidently. "Get ready," he said to the rest of the team. He heard Allura's affirmation come through the comms and watched the Castle's force field appear around the ship.

"Start evasive maneuvers!" He shouted a moment before a laser shot towards them. They quickly split up and dodged around the blue lasers, spreading across the expanse of space. They used the rocks floating around them to block the attacks, twisted around the shots at perfect moments, and fired back when they had the chance. After a moderate amount of time; they came together and flew in formation.

"Let form Voltron!" Shiro yelled. He could fell his mind starting to meld with the other paladins, and could feel their excitement as their lions came together. They twisted around the shots and quickly got closer to the Castle.

"Form sword!" he commanded. They lashed out against the barrier and successfully sliced through the shield. They let out a cheer and leaped away from the Castle, preparing for their next assault.

"Good work team!" Shiro praised. "Now lets fo-" he started before he was cut off by a pounding in his head. He let go of the controls to rip his helmet off his head and clutch it between his hands. The black lion shook as Voltron was torn apart, and he let out a loud groan.

"Shiro? Whats happening? Are you okay?" He heard Keith's panicked voice ask him. The paladins worried faces popped up in his vision.

"I- I don't know," he managed to choke out. "My head," He felt Black jolt as Yellow clutched them in their paws and began dragging them back towards the ship.

"Its okay Shiro, we got you," Lance said calmly. He tried to reply to the teen but felt his eyes stubbornly shutting, turning his vision dark. Yellow gently set Black down and landed beside them, quickly letting their paladin out to run to the other lion.

"Did anyone see what happened?" Keith asked running to join Hunk at the mouth of the black lion. Only negative responses greeted him around the group, and he looked up worriedly at the leader's ship.

"Why isn't he coming out?" Hunk asked with furrowed brows.

"Maybe he passed out or something," Pidge suggested. She shrugged when she got narrowed looks from everyone. "I'm just saying,"

"We're just going to have to wait, Blacks not going to let us in," Lance said crossing his arms. The others mirrored his pose and waited with bated breath for the return of their teammate. Their sighs of relief weren't able to be heard over the sound of the black lion's maw opening in front of them. The paladin came forward in relief to greet their friend, but he quickly rushed past them to sweep Lance into his arms.

"Alluran!" He cried in relief and peppered kisses over the shocked boy's cheeks.

"Um, Shiro, are you alright?" Pidge asked in confusion. Shiro turned to them a wide smile on his face.

"I apologize, Paladins, I'm not Shirogane, my name is Sheeva," he said politely. They were intrigued to hear that; although his voice was the same, he now had an accent similar to Allura's.

"Uh, excuse me, dude, could you let me down?" Lance asked from Sheeva's arms. He turned his attention back to the teen and gave him a small grin.

"Yes, sorry, you just remind me so much of my love," he said unabashedly. A blush flooded Lance's cheeks and looked down to the floor. Sheeva chuckled and resisted the urge to pull the blue paladin into his arms. Their attention shifted to the hanger doors when they slid open revealing both Allura and Coran.

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