Need You Now

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"It's a quarter after one; I'm all alone, and I need you now.

Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control, and I need you now.

And I don't know how I can do without.

I just need you now."

- Lady Antebellum "Need You Now"


"Allison, it has been two days," Mother complained as she stood in my doorway. "How about I run you some hot water, and you can take a bath and get out of the clothes you have been wearing for two days straight?" She offered with a small smile, hoping to lift my grim mood.

I shook my head and stayed on the bed, flat on my empty stomach.

I was mourning the loss of my grandmother, on my father's side, and the thought of getting out of the bed, I seemed to be glued to, pained me. I didn't want to leave the bed, let alone the confines of my room. It hurt too much to even think about moving on with my life because my grandmother was everything to me. She was one out of two people that knew almost everything about me, vise verse.

She was now gone, leaving me with a sense of hollowness.  

I heard my mother sigh, "You leave me with no choice," She muttered.

I wanted to raise an eyebrow in question at her, but I thought that would take too much energy. Instead, I listened to my stomach's deep growls of hunger as my mother retreated from my doorway.

This grieving was hard for me, especially since my father wasn't here to grieve with me. Instead, he was stuck in an airport in Colorado because of some freak blizzard that decided to happen the day before the funeral. Leaving him stuck in the damn place with no means to get home.

I can only imagine how he is taking the news of her passing; he loved her as much as I did, if not more. I can see him now, sitting in an uncomfortable chair at the airport, running his hand through his grey hair, with a thousand and one emotions running through his veins like a thoroughbred horse.

Finally gathering enough energy, I released a loud exhale. It killed me, from the inside out, that I was alone in this healing process. I'd give anything to have someone who understands me and knows all the right things to say and do, by my side.

A name and a familiar face popped into my mind, and I tried with all my might to shove it back down into my buried thoughts. However, I could tell it wasn't going to work. I was stuck thinking about someone who once was my other half - Colton Pierce.

Just the mere thought of him sent a wave of happiness, riding on the backs of pure anger.

Colton Pierce and I held tight bond, once upon a time. He was my best friend, even though he was ten years older than me.

Our relationship was simple growing up. I would wake up in the mornings, get dressed and race over to his house, which happened to be next door. I'd wake Colton up and if it was a school day he'd take me to school or if it wasn't we would hang out playing all kinds of games.

There was not one day that I wasn't at his house, and there were very few days in which I would walk home because most days I would fall asleep at Colton's house, and he would have to carry me home.

We were always by each other's side ... well, technically, I was always by his side and if I had it my way, back when he was around, I would have never left the presence of Colton.

However, things changed when I was nine; he was forced by his father to attend a 'real' college, because a year before that he was attending a local community college. So, with a packing of his bags, Colton's father sent him to the other side of the country to study at some Ivy League school.

He called me every day and we would spend every second of his breaks together ... until two years ago, a week after my sixteenth birthday, when we got into an argument all because I was pressuring him to allow me to visit him on campus. He would always tell me no and that I should stay in school and not dare think about using one of my school breaks to visit him. Yet, I insisted and finally he blew a fuse. He told me that he needed a few years to himself that since he was little I was always in his life and he never got to actually live and experience life because I was always up his ass - his words, not mine.

So, I stopped calling, and he stopped too.

I went ballistic when we stopped talking. I dabbled in things I shouldn't have, got two tattoos, belly button, nose and both of my ear cartilage pierced, all because I knew he wouldn't approve. It was only five months ago that I stopped my wild child actions because my parents informed me that my grandmother was dying and that they didn't want her to see me in my, once was, current state. They informed me that she needed to die with the memory of when I was 'good'.

I raised Hell at what they said, but I soon changed my ways because I couldn't bear losing her and not being able to say my final goodbyes.

So, here I was on my bed, sober and trying to convince myself that I was going to get over her death, without any help from my drug and alcohol friends that I found numbed everything.

I learned, from being isolated in my room for two days that the best way not to resort back to my old habits is to concentrate on something in my room. Stare at it; think about it and nothing else. However, that task was seemingly impossible because after a few seconds of doing that I would think about my grandmother.

It was all so silly. I'm eighteen and shouldn't be mourning like this. I should just get over it, at least that is what I keep telling myself ... but I just couldn't stop and as of the moment, I was just glad I wasn't crying like I did non-stop the first day.

Suddenly, my eyelids started to feel heavy, and it was then that I welcomed sleep with open arms.



*Disclaimer, I do not own the rights to "Need You Know" (by Lady Antebellum) - Each chapter will be named after a song, along with several verses of that song. I do not own any of the songs used in this book.

HOWEVER, I do own full rights to this book "What He Doesn't Know".  All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by Savannah Smith. All rights reserved. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.

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