Sophia's P.O.V.
Oops, didn't mean to slam the door. I walked in the house still happy and filled with memories of tonight. I ignored the bad ones though. I looked at the clock. It was 11:29. Yes I made it. However, I just barely made it. So I tip toed up the stairs. I was as quiet as a mouse, or so I thought.
Grandma: Sophie Cakes!
Sophia: What?
Sophia: Coming!
I walked into the room and stuck my head in.
Sophia: Yes Ma'am?
Grandma: Thats better. How was it? Oh, and you do realize you barely made it.
Sophia: Yes ma'am. I apologize.
Grandma: So tell me what happened.
Sophia: Well, I'm kinda tired. Can I tell you in the morning?
Grandma: Sure.
I couldn't talk to her right then. I had to keep some of the events to myself. Plus, my grandmother has always known me best. She knew me even better than my mom had when she was alive. I had to get my story straight. If I was going to talk to her I needed to at least know what to say.
Author's Note:
Sorry this one is so short. I just wanted ya'll to know what happened with her grandparents and if she made it in time.