Colby's P.O.V.
We were sitting in the living room drinking sodas when I realized the full seriousness of Ethan's problem. I knew it had to be serious. He is the calmest and strongest person I know. Probably because of how much he had been through. But never even imagined how much of a toll this had taken on him. I knew at that moment this would scar him for life. I felt so bad for him. My brother had a lot of problems with him and now emotionally. Since he had damaged Ethan emotionally if he even thinks about coming near him again I will damage him physically. I will beat him to a pulp. He would have to be out of his mind to come near us again. Ethan may have been defenseless then as a child but trust me now he will be prepared. Of course, I couldn't fight him physically because that would probably make things worse. I needed the help of some girls sneaky, evil, nosy, sneaky girls. I needed somebody to when, where, why, what, who, how he got out. He parole conditions, restraining order laws, custody rights. Anything we could use against him and to keep him away. Ethan is my brother his problems are mine. So if he wants to start a war. I can bring the soldiers. I needed a team. I got grabbed my jacket and started to walk out but before I did I turned to Ethan.
Colby: I need to do something.
Ethan: Chill you better not do something you're going to regret.
Colby: Paranoid much? I'm just going to go get some more snacks, we're running low.
Ethan: Fine but if you come home with any marks on you fight mess up our car anything you're going to have to deal with me.
Colby: Whatever Ethan. Don't worry just take a nap or something.
Ethan: I'm serious Colby. Don't go getting yourself in trouble.
Colby: Fine, I'll stay here.
Ethan: I'm not putting you under house arrest I'm just saying be careful.
Colby: Ok you said that, more than once can I go now?
Ethan: I didn't say you had to wait.
Then I just walked out. My patience is not that high. No matter how determined I am to protect him. I grabbed the keys and the locked the door, both latches a precaution I rarely take. However now it was necessary. I won't let anybody get in. I cranked up the car and let it start up while I sent out a text. I was sending the message to four people, the team. I texted Sophia, Dasha, and two other friends Sunshine and Alex. Alex has hung out with us for years but he moved last year. But we still hang out on weekend. Sunshine is a friend of mine that I have a few classes with. Her and Ethan aren't as close but she's the smartest most diabolical girl I know. We're best friends but we play fight all the time. After I read sent the text explaining everything I read their responses.
Sophia: Wow that's a lot to take in.
Dasha: I knew ya'll weren't real brothers!
Alex: Anything to help.
Sunny: You do realize we're teenagers right? Plus I'm pretty sure this is illegal. But hey I'm bored why not.
I read the texts. Satisfied by what I say I asked them to meet me at a café. They all said they'd be there. I pulled up and reserved a table for five. I decided we should work in pairs. I thought of the categories that everybody would fit in. I decided I could plan. Sophia and Sunny could be the brains. Dasha and Alex could be the brawns. Sophia may have been slipping lately but she is still smart. Sunny is gifted in anything technology related especially hacking. Dasha is crazy and will do anything without a second thought. Alex, well let's just say he's in boxing. I took out the blank notebook and pen I had packed in my car. I suddenly found myself hungry. I put in my headphones so that I could focus. Soon they showed up. I told them about the teams.
Dasha: Why aren't you on a team?
Colby: I'm going to be making sure everything runs smoothly. I have to manage everything. What if there's an emergency? What if somebody gets suspicious? What if somebody needs to leave but they don't know?
I finished my list and nobody had a response. They all looked at each other and then looked at me with a defeated look. I realized there was nothing they could say then continued.
Colby: Well since you have no response I guess you're ok with it. Now, how are we going to get into the files? Sunny, are there any online that you can get into?
Dasha: Oh pet names.
Sunshine: Yes there are I can probably get the basics but if that isn't enough I might have to get into an office computer.
Colby: Well, if that does happen then I might have to send Alex in with you.
Alex: Why? Won't she need Sophia?
Colby: Well maybe. I guess you can be the lookout. Just wait outside. We don't need to worry about the restraining order Ethan will do that himself. I don't think we are going to have to find any custody rights in his files we can probably Google that right now. Yeah, let's do that.
We all started looking of course Sunny being the Tech Queen was the first to find it.
She told us that since he was in a abusive relation then especially if he got a restraining order it's highly unlikely basically impossible since Ethan won't allow it.
Colby: Well that's one thing less for me to worry about.
I found myself suddenly starved and bit into my croissant. As I was biting I tasted something. Then I proceeded to break the bread realizing that there was a note inside.
I read it in surprise. Where was he? How did he know I was here? Also, how'd did he get his note in my bread. Suddenly I knew that this was going to be harder than I imagined.