01 - Ex-boyfriend

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"Well, if you don't like the way I live, the door is right there," The words from my boyfriend was said after I stood up, the right side of my face stinging with pain.

"What? You can't.. you can't do this to me!" I yelled out and tears stinging my eyes.

"I'm sick of your shit, Y/N! All you do is bitch and I need some space ..fuck!" He screams and his face is red with anger.

"And you expect me to let you come home one in the morning and drunk! I found condoms in the car!" I scream.

"Those are my friend's condoms and you know that!" He echoes.

"No they aren't! You came home with hickeys and I found a ladies lace panties in your jeans pocket like what the fuck?!" I tell throwing my hands up.

"Damn. You really keep track of my every move. Did you search my phone too?" He asks me.

"No, I haven't. There shouldn't be anything there. But since you go around cheating on ..me you cheat on me. It's hard to accept.. I thought you loved me!" I wail.

"I just think we need time apart since you're so bitchy! Now leave!" He yells at me again suddenly all pumped up. I stand there and tremble as he inches closer and closer and he's getting angrier as well.

"Get the fuck out," He says slowly, firmly, and very harshly.

I turn around and run out of the house. I don't know where I'm going and I really don't care. I loved my boyfriend for almost two years and I had to find out myself that he was cheating. How great. I slow down, out of breath when I come up to a stream.

I sit close by the water and sit on the green grass, staring at the water. I can't believe I loved him. Trusted him. My virginity to him. Things never go out how I plan. I've stopped crying and all that's left is sniffles here and there. I hear foot steps behind me and I don't bother to turn around.

"Hey, love," A deep voice says. I can tell it's a male. I don't reply, I just stare at the ground as I sit cross legged. I take a sigh as the guy sits next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me and I could feel him staring at me.

"No," I mumble out.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Just mind your own damn business!" I snap.

"Woah. I'm just trying to help," He says.

"Maybe you just need to leave me the hell alone and leave cause I was here first," I say and scoot away as he scoots closer which annoyed me.

I glance up and he had brown hair with green eyes. Harry Styles. Fuck. Why did I have to be rude? Well, it doesn't matter he shouldn't barge in on my personal life anyways. He's just a boy from a pop boy band-what's the big deal.

"I always come here, love. If you let me, I could help you. Please.." Harry asks once again.

"I'm Y/N. After I found out that my boyfriend cheated on me, he hit me and then kicked me out," I stammered out with a shaky voice.

Harry cautiously drags his hand to my cheek, which was tear stained and red from when my boyfriend slapped me with force. I wince as Harry's hand trails down my face. Then he took his hand off my face and pulled me in a hug. He may be a stranger, but for some reason it was comforting. We sat like that for awhile.

"No woman deserves that," Harry murmurs against my hair.

Suddenly I remember everything. I start to cry again.

"Y/N? What's the matter?" Harry asks releasing me out of his grip.

"I have no where to live, no where to sleep, no money, no nothing!" I cry and wipe away tears while standing up.

"You can stay with me! Don't worry!" Harry says in attempt to grab my hand but I just shake my head vigorously and begin to run again. I run into the woods and almost instantly end back out of the woods. I turn and see my boyfriend and he looks angry.

"I heard you with a man!" He yells at me.

"Well, aren't we over?" I stutter. Besides, I weren't even talking in that way to Harry.

"I never said that you stupid bitch. You're coming with me!" My boyfriend says. I glance past him and see his car there and a female in it with a smirk.

"No!" I almost shout at him.

He instantly grabs my shoulder and yanks me back, taking my face in his hands roughly before throwing me to the ground.

"I will literally drag your whore ass to the car. Now get the fuck up you're embarrassing me," He yells at me.

"I'm not leaving with you Y/Boyfriend /N! I hate you! I'm done!" I say and stand up as the female laughs and takes pictures.

"You're a fucking disappointment," He growls and I try to run but this time he snags me by my hair as I scream in pain and terror.

"Hey! Let her go!" I turn and see Harry, who's panting trying to catch his breath.

"Oh lookey here. Batman came to save the day," My boyfriend smirks.

"Just please. Let her go man. C'mon," Harry says.

"Fine. She's your whore anyway. Not mine," My boyfriend says as he throws me in Harry's arms. I don't understand how I'm a whore. I've been completely loyal and me boyfriend, well ex, has changed tremendously.

"C'mon.. lets go to my place. I bet you I care about you more than he did," Harry says angrily but he pulls me softly to his truck which was back through the woods.

When I get to his car, I see him deeply in thought as he helps me inside and closes my door. He rushes to his side and gets in. As he's about to turn on the engine, I stop him.

"Harry," I say.

"Hmm?" He stops and looks at me curiously.

"Thank you."

"Any time," He replies and glances at me.

I slightly smile. Even though I haven't gave him a full smile and he never seen me fully smile yet, he still thinks that it was the most beautiful thing ever.


Well hiii. Two votes and I'll post another! Ily :)

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