14 - Love Is Rare (PART TWO)

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Harry's POV

It's been two months. Two whole months. Two months since Y/N's death? No, fortunately. But she has been revived and comatose for more than sixty days now.

It's a pressure seeing her like this. Pale... and fragile. I stand in front of Brittany's house with flowers clasped in my hands, knuckles white, tears pricking, no emotion.

Last night, Brittany told me that she is four months pregnant with her son - I mean our son. I ring the doorbell once more and there Brittney is, with a fake smile plastered on her face.

Fuck, I'd give anything to see my real love smile again. Just one more time. I swallow the lump in my throat and walk in her new house.

There's someone else, I know there is. But I'll have to be here for my baby.

"Harry, babe, you didn't need to bring flowers!" Brittany gasped and snatched them from me, quickly putting them away.

I'm usually so ecstatic when I know that someone is pregnant but this is different. As soon as the words came out of her mouth my life was filled with instant regret. I realized that I didn't want to spend my life with her.

But now that she is carrying my child, I have no choice.. well, for the next eighteen years anyway. I took a seat on the sofa and Brittany cane next to me.

She smiled and rubbed her belly, "I'm thinking about Brett."

She glanced at me and I shrugged again, "Why Brett?"

She tensed up, "Oh, well, uh because it's nice. Don't you think?" She laughed awkwardly.

"No, absolutely not."

"Oh. Okay then." Brittany cleared her throat.

A few moments later Brittany's eyes went wide, "Harry, you gotta go."

"What?" I stayed in my seat.

"I said you have to fucking go! Now come on," she tugged at my right arm so I finally obliged and stood up.

She muttered things in a low voice and then said, "Through the side door."

She opened the door and I stood there, "What is going on, Brittany?"

A guy came into vision - a big one at that - and spoke, "Hey babe, I took out the trash so that's why I'm near the side door - oh who's this?"

I look at the man who's about five inches taller than me and stick my hand out, "I'm Harry. The father of Brit-"

His face reddened and he snatched me up quickly, "Are you the bastard who's been hitting Brittany? Brittany, this is him right?"

My eyes go wide as I stare at Brittany, her head hangs in shame. The guy lets go of me.

Brittany opens her mouth but before she can, this big ass guy hits me square in the nose, almost causing me to fall.

Blood rushes out of my nose and I look at him, "What the hell, man?!"

"Brett, stop it!" Brittany yells and the guy, who is obviously Brett, retracts his fist.

I glare at the both of them in disgust. This is why she wanted to name our son Brett. Because she is messing with this asshole!

"I - I think you should go, Harry," Brittany whispers and I don't hesitate to turn around and leave, bloody nose and all.

"Wait," I stop in my tracks and look over my shoulder, "I think you have something that belongs to me."

Brittany is confused at first but then she walks towards me and unclips the diamond necklace from her neck. The same diamond necklace that was given to her two months ago. The same necklace that was meant for Y/N, that was until I became completely infatuated with Brittany.

Without speaking, this time I leave without looking back. It's time to get my girlfriend back.


Now, its forty minutes later and I'm staring at her. She's beautiful, even with bags under her eyes. I take her cold hand in mine and kiss it, "Please wake up, baby."

Of course, she didn't though. But I'm lucky. Y/N could have been dead if we just drove to the hospital. But instead, on the way there we hit a tree, giving me stitches in my arms, feet, and staples to the head. And it knocked Y/N right in a coma.

Now as I stare at her, I think about how much I took her for granted. It doesn't even feel like she's alive, although she is. All I can dream about is her screaming, the tears, the blood, the razors, the fearful eyes.. death.

Its too much to handle. I hope her soul doesn't haunt me. I shake my head, that wouldn't happen.

But now, I'm crying.. full on sobbing. I need her one last time. Just once more.

Then suddenly, her pulse rises. I stop crying and snap my head up to see her body shifting irregularly and my eyes widen. Soon, she's rapidly coughing and the pulse is too high.

I sprint up, "Y/N! Y/N, oh my God. Is there a doctor here?!"

I mash the red emergency button and two people rush inside and knock me out of the way. My heart is beating so fast and I strain to see as two more doctors run inside.

After ten seconds, she flat lines. Oh God. They try to bring her back, but after five minutes they give up. Simultaneously, they all face me, "We are so sorry."

I swallow the lump in my throat but let the tears have a free fall as I solemnly nod. Trying not to break down, I gather up my items and head for the door.

It never must had been meant to be. This is so fucked up, what is there to live for. Oh right, my unborn son.

I watch as the doctors cover up Y/N's body and my own body shakes. This is a cruel world, really. And it is all my fault.


woaaahhh hii :D its been awhile. This imagine sucks because i suck at part twos but :/ here ya go!! please vote/comment and yeah because i love those

later babes,

- kayla x

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