03 - Don't Leave

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Don't Leave

I smiled as I tore open the mail. I scanned over it nervously, waiting for the word I hope would be said. I flipped the page and saw it. A grin spread across my face.

Y/N, you have been accepted into (your favorite college/dream college)

"Yes!" I jumped up and down. Finally. Me and my boyfriend of nine months, Harry, have been waiting for this for a while now. This means just as much as it means to me for him. He said he would support me to the fullest, so I can't wait to tell him the amazing news!

I set the mail down on the coffee table and went into the kitchen. I decided to cook Harry's favorite meal. Not only because the big news, but also because he's been in the studio for awhile now. I hope he isn't stressed. When I get done with dinner, I set the table and make sure the house is clean so he would at least be in a somewhat good mood.

I hear the door click and it unlocks. I hear shuffling and a sigh fall from Harry's lips. He's here. He walks into the living room.

"Hey, Harry. Listen to-" I was cut off.

"Not now, Y/N," Harry groans pushing past me.

"But it's important!" I say excitedly.

"Sure it is," Harry rolls his eyes and mutters something.

Harry walks into the kitchen and I casually follow behind. Harry opens the refrigerator and grabs some pizza from last night.

"Oh, I made dinner. You don't need to eat that," I say to Harry, fumbling with my fingers.

"Why? Tastes better than your trash," Harry grumbles and leave the kitchen. Wow. He sits on the sofa and turns on the TV.

"What's up your ass today?" I say sourly and follow him, refusing to sit.

"Oh, everything! I couldn't get my line right! And when I thought I was going to get some rest, you're all up in my damn face! Give me a break sometimes!" Harry sighs but raised his voice.

"What?" I stammer in disbelief.

"You're so damn clingy!" Harry said which was not true at all. I'm actually independent and he's the clingy one.

"All I'm trying to do is tell you something!" I suddenly yell at Harry.

"Maybe I don't care!" Harry shouts back, standing up.

"Maybe I should leave!" I bellow.

"Maybe you should!" He screams back, face red with rage.

"What did I ever do you to?!" I yell and walk away.

Harry bounces up and walks after me angrily, "Y/N!"

I ignore him and start up the stairs.

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!" Harry says and grab my wrist firmly.

"Let me go!" I say, trying to contain my tears.

"No! I won't!" Harry yells.

"You never want to know anything.. it's.. its as if you don't care about me!" I began to cry.

"Y/N I-"

"It's true!" I cried.


"I thought you cared!" I yell.



"Y/N! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Harry suddenly screams.

I yank my arm out of Harry's grasp and dodge up the stairs.

"Y/N where are you going?! Stop running! I will smack the shit out of you!" Harry threatens and I only sob more and run into the bedroom, shutting the door.

"I hate you!" I scream. How could I ever fall in love with a boy like him?

Harry's POV

"I hate you!" Y/N shouts and the color drains out of my face and it's only quickly replaced with anger.

She fucking hates me. I walk back downstairs and grab the lamp, slamming it against the wall and hearing it shatter. I don't hear Y/N crying anymore. I smash a couple of glass cups, and plates. Then I hear the croak of the stairs. I see Y/N opening the front door.

"W-Where are you going?" I ask her.

"Leaving for a couple of days," She hisses. I almost want to smack her for thinking of such a stupid option. But I stop myself, I know it would soon be regretted.

"Fine," I say and she sighs before leaving, and slamming the door behind her.

I walk back into the living room and sit on the sofa. I run my hands through I hair ad I see some mail on the coffee table. Bills, bills, cable company, bills, college, b-college? The paper is already open and I nervously scan the paper.

Y/N has been accepted into (her favorite/dream college)

Fuck. I sigh, my voice growing uneven. What the hell have I done? Why did I have to be an asshole? Now she hates me. I think back over the insults I said to her and she didn't have a comeback or anything. I threatened her and made her cry. The worst part is that she's gone...


Part 2 anyone?

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