06 - Disaster Cooking

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Disaster Cooking

"Harry! We have to get this done before six!" I sigh as Harry eats from the fruit bowl and rambles on about awful the apple --that he's currently eating-- tastes.

It's Thanksgiving of course, and I'm preparing food. I suck at cooking and I thought Harry would help, but he's just complaining.

I check on the turkey again and stir the mixture for the red velvet cake.

"Why are we even doing Thanksgiving?" Harry rolls his eyes and stands up to throw his half eaten apple away.

I stop mixing and glare at him. "Because I'm American, Harry. My bosses are American. Not everything you see is automatically born and raised in the UK."

He grunts. "I know that."

I heavily sigh. "Well, are you going to help?"

"I guess. Don't you think the turkey is done now?" Harry inquired and dipped his finger in the frosting as I pushed his hand out of the bowl.

"I doubt it."

"What about the other things? Not to mention that you've burned the pan of Mac and cheese," Harry said.

"Well damn, sorry for not being Chef fucking Ramsay," I slammed the bowl down.

"Woah there. You didn't have to catch an attitude," Harry chuckled.

I ran a hand through my hair as I felt his gaze on me. I muttered that he was being an ass, then I went back to this cake mixture.

"Why are we making all of this food anyway?" Harry whines.

"'Cause its thanksgiving."

"Why do we even celebrate--oh right," Harry mumbled.

"Why won't you help me?" I asked him as I dumped the cake mixture into a circular baking pan.

"'Cause you're yelling at me. I don't know why you're angry," Harry came to my side.

"Only because you refuse to help make this large course meal," I say and lean against the counter.

Harry shakes his head. "No even before then. You told me to get off my ass for once and do something useful around this house."

I blushed because he was right. I glared back at Harry who had his arms folded across his chest and he frowned.

"Don't take it personal. I'm just nervous.." I admit and place my head on my palms, resting my elbows on the counter.

"About what?"

I stood up straight. "Everything. I'm trying to make everything perfect. But it's so hard and overwhelming. What if the food sucks?"

"You're not a bad cook, love," Harry wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder blades.

"I don't know. It's just too much," I sigh.

"Just relax..you'll be fine. I'm sorry," Harry said into my ear softly and I turned around as Harry saw my visible pout.

My back leaned on the counter and he took my hands in his larger ones. He looked down at them. "I think you're better than me at cooking. I was just mainly afraid. That I'd be my usual clumsy self and screw everything up. Typical. This is important to you, and I didn't want to be a factor of those bad emotions that you'll have later on because of me.."

I looked at Harry's face and smiled. "Stop saying that. Everyone makes mistakes." I lied my head on his chest, "And that's okay. I would be mad at myself for pressuring you."

"You shouldn't."

I played with Harry's fingers as we stood quietly. It's nice just standing here, appreciating each others presence. However, I know that this moment can't be forever.

"Harry, I'm sorry. I love you," I say and glanced at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I was pressuring you." Harry takes my chin and lifts it up with his fingers. He smiled faintly before pecking my lips several times.

I pulled away, "So are you going to help now? You've done nothing.."

He laughs but abruptly stops. "Actually, I've asked about the chicken..er, Turkey."

I gasped and slid away from Harry. I opened the oven and dark smoke quickly escaped the oven.

"Shit," I muttered as Harry laughed and took out another turkey from the refrigerator.

I took out the burned one and placed it on the counter with a sigh. After it cooled down, I took it outside and threw it in the garbage can. I walked slowly back inside. This'll be a disaster.

I walked in and saw Harry trying to prepare the turkey. His eyebrows were furrowed and he tried to do as I did. I leaned on the wall and watched as Harry started to slow down, making sure everything was perfect.

Once he looked up and caught me staring, nervousness enveloped him, "Am I doing it right?"

I chuckled and walked to where he was, before lightly pecking his lips. "You're doing just fine. Perfectly fine."

He grinned and continued to prepare the turkey. I checked on the cake once more and heard Harry humming a tune to himself. Maybe today won't be such a disaster after all.

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