07 - New Boy

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New boy

I sat in the most boring class of the day: Science. I have no idea on what the teacher was talking about-something about El Niño. I'd do anything to leave.

"Y/N! How often does El Niño occur?" the teachers gaze fell on me.

"Uh, I wasn't paying attention.." I look down at my table as everyone in the class laughed.

I sighed at this day already. I'm not popular, but I definitely don't get bullied. Well maybe a group of people talk about me everyday but that's usual. I get along with some of the popular kids and some of my friends are kind of popular but not really.

My friends are the ones to always get dates and boyfriends. Me? I stay at home because all boys act as if I'm the most ugliest human ever. Their driving me to think that way of myself too.

Other guys outside the school that I chat with on social media sites says that I'm pretty. But whatever.

"Y/N! Did you hear me?" The teacher let out an exhausted sigh.

Before I could answer, the classroom door opened and the principal came inside as the students immediately tried to be occupied in school work.

"We have a new student here. All the way from England, could you believe?" He said. "Come in Harry."

This Harry boy steps in and everyone glares at him. He just awkwardly stands, "Hey, I'm Harry Styles."

Most of the girls grin at his strong british accent and I could already picture the little hearts in their eyes. I rolled mine and took out my pen and paper. Girls already like him? I know that I don't stand a chance, so I look back at my textbook.

Maybe one look won't hurt. I look at his dark curly hair, and see his electrifying green eyes. I look down at his lips which were a shade of pink and looked so..I don't know, full?

The principal leaves and the teacher takes a look at Harry's schedule. "Hey, you have the same classes as Y/N. She'll show you around. Go sit with her. Y/N raise your hand so Harry knows who you are."

Harry points to me, "Is it her?"

The teacher nods but furrows her brows.

Harry shrugged and smiled. "Wild guess."

Oh, dimples too? Harry makes his way over to my table and sits on the stool next to me. I'm not showing him around, he probably wouldn't want me too. He could get the prettier girls to do that for him.

I pretend to look interested in my work but Harry taps my shoulder. I turn around to face him.

"Did you hear those girls?" Harry whispered.

"What did they say?" I whispered back.

"They were saying mean things about you.."

"Don't worry. Their just jealous that they aren't the first one to talk to you," I rolled my eyes as the girls gave me cold stares.

"Consider your self lucky then," Harry said and scooted his chair over a little closer to the table.

"She should consider herself ugly. Lets do our work guys, she has no chance with him," one of the blondes say and her friends obey.

Harry looked at me, "Why didn't you say anything back?"

"Harry, you have to learn to ignore people sometimes," I say to him.

My friend overhears and she laughs silently, "As if you do that. Stop flirting with the new boy!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Shut up."

She turns back to her work and Harry stares at me. I'm not really fond of that. "What are you looking at?"

He shakes his head. "Sorry. I just really like your eyes. They're stunning."

I cleared my throat. "Thanks I guess."

"What do you mean you guess?" Harry laughed.

"I just don't get compliments often," I shrug.

Harry pauses for a bit as he studies my face, "You should."

I blush and Harry smiles. It feels good to get compliments like that. I'm just not used to it as the other girls are.

"Harry and Y/N be quiet please!" The teacher hisses at us.

Just then the bell rings and I jump out of my seat. "Nice talking to you!"

I walk to my locker and stuff my books inside. When I close my locker shut, Harry is leaning on the lockers gazing at me while girls desperately hoped to catch his attention.

"What?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to show me the school and the building?" Harry asked.

I sigh and playfully push him. "Go make some friends. Those are a good start," I point at the group of girls who obviously have boyfriends but they prefer Harry now.

I walk away as Harry follows me, "But you are my friend!"

I turn around and laugh. "I have no male friends."

"Well you have me! Duh!" He laughs.

"Let's get started, dork," I laugh with him.


part 2 tomorrow voteeee

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