13 - Love Is Rare

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"Y/N, I know that you think Harry is the man of your dreams but.. he's no good. You met him in June and it's now November. I honestly don't think he's the one," my best friend, Brandy, said over the phone.

I sighed. I know what she's saying is true, but a small part of me doesn't want to believe it.

"I mean, that bastard seduced me! I just don't think he cares about you."

A tear rolled down my cheek as I remained silent.

"'I'm going to a meeting'," Brandy imitated his voice, "Bullshit. Just call Niall or something, he'd tell you that they aren't in any meeting."

I wiped my tears away because she's right. "Okay. I'll talk later."

"All right. But break up with Harry and hit him hard with it!" Brandy said and we hung up the phone.

Just the thought of Harry's hands wandering up another female's body hurts me emotionally. It haunts me mentally, what am I not doing right? Am I clingy? Isn't because we've never had sex? Am I too young? Am I ugly?

I was already shaking and I haven't even heard Harry walk through the door. He plopped on the sofa next to me and gave me a kiss on the lips, "Hey babe."

"Hi," I whispered.

He turns to me, "What's the matter?"

"My problem? You want to know my problem?" I said quietly and he nods.

I had a bunch of things to say, but I didn't know how to say what I mean. "Never mind, I'm fine."

Harry shrugs and stands up to go to the kitchen. His phone beeps and Harry and I exchange glances. I dodge for it the same moment he does and I grabbed it first.

"Y/N! Give my phone over!" Harry said, annoyed now.

I ran upstairs to the bathroom and slammed the door while locking it. I sat on the tub and opened his messages, seeing a contact name: Brittany.

Brittany and Harry exchanged sexual messages, and messages that were about when Harry was going to go to her house. It was even a text message about this Brittany girl getting over excited about a diamond necklace. The same diamond necklace I saw in Harry's top drawer. The same diamond necklace I thought he was surprising me with.

But no, it's for that.. bitch. I realized that I was silently crying. I also realized that Harry was still pounding on the door. I went to the door and opened it a bit so only my hand was showing. Harry snatched the phone away.

"Sorry, I needed to do something," I said as my voice cracked.

"No, you read my fucking text!"

I closed the bathroom door, "What? No, it automatically opened that. Isn't Brittany your cousin or something?" I said.

"Oh, yeah she is. Sorry," Harry said as I heard him go down the stairs.

Liar. Soon, I heard Harry talking on the phone downstairs, "She thinks you're my cousin, can you believe that? Ha!"

I slid down the door. I had one of the two options:

•Pack my shit and leave

•Stay in the bathroom and cry

Now, I wasn't going to leave, because last time I tried that he hit me. I sobbed harder and moved over to the sink. I grabbed the razor that I promised Harry I would throw away back in August. But I kept them hidden and I haven't cut since then.

I bring the cool blade to my right wrist. I used to cut in a vertical way, only because I wasn't trying to intentionally die. But tonight, I'm going horizontally which is from my wrist to elbow.

At this point, all I want is to die. Being loved was my only wish, and I thought I had found it. But no, no one loves me. He doesn't even love me a little bit. I drag the blade across my skin, blood quickly escaped and pain shot everywhere.

It's nothing to my emotional pain.

I cried now, loud. The door jiggled and I remembered that I didn't lock it the second time. Harry burst through and saw about five long cuts along my arm.

He quickly reached for me and I stood up, gaining my confidence. "I know what you do! You cheat on me! You don't love me, you even seduced my best friend! You buy nice things for Brittany! You care about her, you love her. I'm obviously trash!"

"No, Y/N, no! Drop the blade, please! Why are you doing this?" His voice shook in anger.

I lifted up my shirt, "I'm too fat maybe."

I dragged the blade across my stomach vertically.

"Or too ugly!"

I scraped the blade against the side of my face.

I looked at my thighs, "These too."

When I moved the blade to my thighs, Harry snatched it, cutting the palm of our hands. Blood escaped from both of our palms. But blood poured out of me in more places though.

I was getting dizzy and I fell to the floor. Harry grabbed towels and stuff and tried to add pressure to my wounds.

I lied my head in Harry's lap and he hung up after he called the paramedics. I looked up at him, "I loved you Harry."

When I said that, it was the first time I ever saw his eyes glaze with tears. A sob came out of his mouth, "No, Y/N please stay with me."

He grabbed my bleeding hand in his and kissed it. Seconds and more seconds passed, before I felt everything in my body shutting down and my vision getting blurry.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"I love you," Harry cried out. I strained a small smile, I've been wanting to hear that.

White fades in at the edges and Harry's cries are drowned out. My last breath is took. Finally, he loved me. It's all I ever wanted.

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