04 - Old Friends

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I was going to make a part two to 'Don't Leave' but I guess not.


Old Friends

Harry and I were driving to one of his ex-friend's house. He didn't want to go there. Neither did I. Harry owed them something-it wasn't money. Whatever it was, it was confidential. We sometimes get into arguments over it. He never wants to tell me. I just hope Harry can finally give them whatever it is.

"Harry, do you have it?" I asked softly as he drives.

He stays quiet for a moment,"No."

"I'm s-scared," I say as my heart begins to thump. I hope nothing bad happens. I just wish Harry had whatever the guys needed. I wanted to come with Harry since I'm scared for him too, but he thinks it's a bad idea that I came along.

"Don't be scared. We'll get through this. I promise," Harry soothes me and rests his hand on my thigh. I still couldn't help it. His ex friends are never nice. They're actually creepy. I hope what Harry is saying is completely true.

"Okay," I nod slowly, trying to get my breath back at a normal pace.

Sooner, Harry pulls up at the house. It's dark outside already. And the streetlights are on. Harry stops the car and turns off the engine.

"Stay in the car," Harry orders.

"No," I panic all over again.

"Please Y/N. I'll be right back.. I love you," Harry softly kisses my lips before hopping out of the car.

Harry walks up the porch. They're front door is open but the screen door is closed. Harry knocks and two guys come to the door. Harry steps inside and they start talking. About five minutes later, Harry tenses up. Harry looks at me from inside the house and motions for me to crouch down. I began to tremble and slowly get down.

One of the guys turns my way and points to you and Harry shakes his head vigorously. I'm still down, but managed to peek at them. Now I hear yelling and I sharply draw my breath in.

"Harry, I told you to bring my shit ages ago!" He bellows.

"I know and I tried!" Harry says.

"Bullshit! Don't yell at me you gay fucker!" He yells. By now, I raised up and gasp. The two guys still stand there and one of them quickly gets out a pocket knife and stabs Harry in his left shoulder.

"No!" I cried out and tears welled up. I covered my mouth and jumped out of the car and into the house.

"Oh, who's this?" The guy smirks and leaves Harry on the ground in blood. He struggled to stop the blood and I desperately wanted to go to his side.

"Y/N.. go.. to.. the car," Harry says slowly from the ground and I shake my head.

"Please.. please don't hurt him," I whisper and the tears fall.

"Well, he should've brung what we asked him to bring," The guy snorts.

"Please. I'm begging," I plead.

"What will you do for us?" The guy motions to himself and his friend and I widen your eyes.

"Fuck no," Harry says and stood up, holding onto his bleeding shoulder.

"Shut up. You have no say in this!" The guy yelled at Harry.

The guys glanced at me for my answer. Harry looked at me, then to the door. I inched toward the door and tried to make a run for it. The guy quickly catches me and grabs me harshly. I try to scream and kick but he covers my mouth to muffle my screams.

"Shh, it'll be okay..." The guy says and pats my hair.

Harry punches the guy straight in his jaw and I kick him in his stomach as he falls back. Harry grabs my hand and we were almost to the door when the guy's friend pulls out a gun and immediately shoots Harry in his chest. The sound was ear splitting.

"Harry!!" I scream and tears freely fall down my face now.

Harry lies there. Lifeless. Blood pours from his chest.."I love you Y/N." Harry stopped breathing and he never blinked. No. No!

"No! Harry!" I scream louder and the guy roughly pushed you against the wall. He laughs and I cry, trying to leave his strong grip. I was in trouble now.

"No! Don't touch me!" I sob. My heart is beating so fast as I scream and cry, loudly, to get someone, anyone to hear and call the police.

But unfortunately no one hears, and I know what's next. The guys both laugh. The first one throws me on the couch and violently rips off my shirt to my exposed chest. I scream Harry's name as if he could help me and I do my best to fight them off.

"Y/N! Wake up! Y/N!" Someone yells.

I open my eyes fast. My heart is beating quickly and I'm very sweaty, trying to catch my breath. I look up and automatically see Harry. No blood on his face. His eyebrows knitted together and he watches as my chest rises and falls quickly. The tears steam down my face.

"Harry.." I sit up and clutch him and he pulls me into his securing arms. I glance around and I'm in my bedroom. It's 9 PM.

"Just a dream.. only a dream," Harry says and rocks me as I continue to cry in his arms.

I remember to earlier today. Harry and I had an argument. I called him names. We both cried because he said he hated me and I said that I wanted him dead. I had went to your room for a nap. Now I take everything back. Even when he 'hated' me he was still at my side trying to comfort me.

"Harry.." I repeated and grabbed his hand. My tears were done now.

"I'm sorry, for your dream," Harry says and kisses my forehead.

We both stay like that for a moment.

"Harry.. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I'm so sorry. I don't hate you. And I never want you dead. I don't know why I said that, Harry. I wasn't thinking. I can't loose you. I can't. Please don't leave me," I say, tears brimming again.

"I won't. I'm sorry too.. I should've never said that..." Harry said.

"The dream was horrible. You died.. and .. and I think I was gonna get raped. But even though you were mad at me, you came up here. I love you so much, Harry," I say and glance up at him.

Harry wipes the wet tears off my face and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. I kiss back and he slowly pulls away, our foreheads pressed together.

"I think I love you more," Harry said. I kissed his nose and we both stood up.

"Lets get you downstairs princess, so we can get some ice cream and the pizza man was here," Harry sort of laughed and I smiled.

We walked to leave the room and I spotted a butter knife on the ground.

"What is that doing up here? We're you trying to kill me?" I asked curiously, with a small smile.

"Well, as soon as I payed the pizza man, I heard you screaming my name. I thought something bad had happened. It was between a person in the house, or it could've been a bug. It was the first thing in sight," Harry laughed.

"Oh. Well. Even if there was a person, how far do you think a butter knife was gonna get you?" I asked with a smirk.

"I dunno," Harry shrugged.

I bit my lower lip to hold in my laugh. Harry gazed down at me and my heart skipped a beat. I made it downstairs and cuddled up, watching a movie. He had ice cream and pizza as he promised. I lied my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat as he wrapped his arm around my waist securely.

I kept stealing glances and he caught me staring. I blushed and turned. Harry took his hand and tilted my head up to look at him.

"It was a dream. I'll be by your side. Forever and always," Harry whispered as he placed his lips on mine for a kiss.

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