09 - Gaming

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"Yes!" Zayn shouted when he shot and killed a zombie in the stupid game they're playing.

Harry shot two of them in the head, "Yeah!"

"Ugh, what game is this anyway?" I groaned.

"Black Ops!" Niall cheered.

I rolled my eyes. These don't even look like zombies if you ask me. They look like people in radioactive masks. Except they have no eyes, I don't think. It's not even all that frightening.

Harry shouts as the zombies outnumber him. Zayn rushed and killed them off to save Harry's life. Are their characters presidents or?...

They went in the elevator and reloaded. They didn't close the elevator until they heard zombies breaking through the barriers they builded. They had reloaded and reached the second floor. They separated, Zayn took the lower level and Harry stayed on the same level.

Zombies were all over, trapping Harry again.

"C'mon Harry you suck! You're gonna let Zayn die!" I shout as the boys laugh.

Harry shoots all the ones in front of him and run away from the ones behind him.

"I'm down! Help Harry I'm near the elevator!" Zayn says.

Harry runs into the elevator and closes the door, "Where's Zayn?!"

But it wasn't Zayn it was a zombie who attacked Harry and Zayn sighed and shook his head as Harry died. The game ended and I laughed.

"You suck!" I laughed at Harry.

"I thought it was Zayn!" Harry defended himself.

"Nah, you just suck."

"You think so? Okay. You and I are going to play, since they don't scare you. The first one who is down, is the one who sucks," Harry said.

"Deal," I grin and Zayn hands me his game controller.

I sit next to Harry as he shows me what all the buttons do. After that, we start playing.

Currently we're on round six and I'm doing well. Beginners luck I guess. And Harry is struggling. We're in some warehouse this time and not the place Harry and Zayn were in.

Harry took downstairs and I took upstairs.

"I'm trapped!" Harry shouted as he tried to shoot them all.

I did the same. Since Harry was trapped, he couldn't stop the ones from coming up the stairs. I groaned and tried to shoot them. They neared and I backed up. Harry wasn't trapped anymore and he shot some on the stairs.

"Behind you!" Louis said loudly.

I turned my character around and a zombie was so close on the screen and I don't know why but I screamed out of fear as all the zombies crowded me and within seconds, my character was down.

Harry laughed and escaped the house. He went into this other place.

"What about me?" I pouted.

"I'm not risking my life to save you! As if!" Harry chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose.

If he tried to save me, he would've died on the spot. Harry goes into a room where a voice yells, "Bring me their flesh!"

And large dogs escape and kill Harry instantly before can react.

"Damn!" Zayn laughed.

We all started to laugh then.

"I thought they didn't frighten you!" Liam says trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah," Harry teases.

"It was this close!" I motioned to my face.

The boys still laughed at me. I did scream rather loud.

"If it makes you feel better, Harry screamed the first time too," Niall said.

I smiled at him as he chuckled.

"What if I have nightmares?" I say.

"Oh but you won't. Not if the green Hulk can help!" Harry says and smiled widely.

"Shut up loser. You'd probably turn into a green bean. You're just a little boy," I laughed.

"I'll show you how much of a man I am," Harry said and pressed his lips on mine.

"Okay, ew. Go somewhere else," Niall kicked Harry.

"Don't worry guys, a little boy won't do much," I grinned as Harry smirked and lifted me up, carrying me to the bedroom.

"I'll make sure you won't ever forget this one," Harry said and the rest of the night was history...

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