Chapter Three

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AO3 AN: Thank you for the wonderful response guys!!

I'm not J.K




I dont own Harry Potter either

Chapter 3:

Over his final year with the Founders and Merlin, Harry gained an almost inhuman determination to stretch the very limits of his ability. Since the revelation of what had happened back in his own time, he had pushed himself further and further, trying again and again until he had mastered everything they had thrown at him. And by Circe did it show. Harry was in his final duelling class and he was duelling Godric, the best dueller out of the Founders, and they had been fighting for nearly an hour with neither gaining the upper hand. Godric released a torrent of spells in one of his personalised links, Harry deflected them easily, spinning and casting a mirror shield to have them bounce back on Ric. The boy wasn't expecting for Godric to do the same, so he only had a split second to react, he twisted and two vicious looking daggers materialised in his hands allowing him to slice through two spells and he moved, deflecting the rest with the edge of his blades before they vanished again.

"Expulso, Relashio, Bombarda Maxima." Harry cast, and then he dropped on to the floor to dodge Ric's return fire. "Aguamenti," A rush of water burst in to existence drenching Ric and covering the floor, and Harry froze it with a quick "Glacius," before Ric could vanish it. Harry cast his own spell chain but none of them hit their mark, even though Godric couldn't move, he hissed to himself before smirking and planting his feet.

"Sacer Ignis," He called, focusing on the spell he cast and grinned when Godric's eyes widened. A huge, flaming phoenix erupted from his hands, it was billowing black like Harry's own flames and it reared up to strike its target, seeking to take life to sustain itself. There was a loud crack and the ice around Ric shattered, he threw himself backwards and slashed at the bird, stopping it in its tracks and throwing it back at the caster. Harry caught it easily, the fire washing over him without him so much as blinking and he sent a silent cutting curse through the flames as he banished them, catching Godric unaware. Harry took full advantage of that momentary distraction, casting three disarmers, a knock out Charm and an Incarcerous successfully ending the duel. He stood stunned when he saw Godric bound tightly on the floor and his wand well out of his reach, he summoned it to be on the safe side and span around when there was slow clapping from the side lines.

"Congratulations, Snakelet." Salazar called from where he was stood behind the protective wards, his voice full of pride and a small smile on his face; Harry beamed.

"Thanks, Sal!" He replied brightly, waving his hand to banish the ropes around Ric and throwing back his wand.

"You have done very well." Godric agreed, "And I just got beaten by a ten year old."

"In your defence, I am a fire elemental and sending fire back at me was not the best of ideas." Harry pointed out with a shrug, Salazar raised an eyebrow at him and Harry smirked. "Ok, so I was completely amazing, I know, but I was trying to make him feel better." Both Godric and Salazar rolled their eyes and the three of them began fixing up the damaged room.

"Let's go to Helga." Godric decided, "That was a very nice Cutting Curse." His arm was bleeding quite badly and Salazar sent a stasis spell at the wound to freeze it until they reached the medical wing.

"I wasn't expecting it to hit, but I thought I would try anyway." Harry told him, following both male Founders from the room.

"No, I was not expecting the spell when you were surrounded by flames."

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