Chapter Thirteen

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I'm not J.K

MY AN: I don't own the story or the idea, JK owns Harry Potter

Chapter 13:

Sirius, Remus, Harrison, the Malfoys and Severus were sat in the Potion Master's quarters in silence, with the events that had occurred, no one had anything to say. It was all unbelievable to them, accept for Harrison and Draco of course who were expecting it, after 10 years of nothing, not even a whisper, the Dark Lord was active once more.

"How?" Lucius finally asked, "How had he returned to us now?"

"We will have to wait and see," Snape said quietly.

"What will happen now?" Sirius wondered and they shook their heads.

"Until he calls for us, we do not know."

"You seem almost disappointed," Harrison pointed out dryly and they whipped around to glare at him.

"Never," Lucius stated venomously, "Having the Dark Lord return to us is the greatest blessing."

Harry smirked.

"Just as long as you're still loyal, I don't think he would be too please if you were not."

"You do not know him."

Harry merely raised an eyebrow.

"Besides, I am sure he will inform you of his great return when he calls, it's a rather shocking story. I hope he doesn't wait until the summer for a meeting." Harry mused and he was getting looks of shocked disbelief from everyone except Draco, who was shaking his head at his friend's antics.

"How would you know anything about his return and why would you want a meeting with him?" Severus asked slowly and Harry returned to an innocent look.

"Huh, well it was a guess and anyone would want to talk to the Dark Lord." Harry cast a tempus, "Oh look at that, curfew, come on, Dray." He grabbed the blond and they vanished. The adults looked at the door.

"It's not possible he actually had something to do with it, is there?" Lucius questioned and no one knew how to answer.

In their dorms, Harry was grinning like an idiot.

"I can't believe it's happened already." He said to his best friend.

"Neither can I, I still remember when you told me what you were planning." Draco agreed and then shook his head. "It was the day I confirmed you were crazy." Harry laughed.

"I know I'm going to have another meeting with him, he wants questions answered and I get to play with the Philosophers' Stone."

"There we go, mental."

Harry rolled his eyes,

"I'm going to bed, after tonight I'm exhausted and tomorrow we're preparing for the duel."

"I cannot wait to see Potter be wiped the floor with." Draco said with a grin and Harry chuckled.


There was tension in the air the next morning, the glares shared between Potter and Sirius were deadly and if looks could kill then they both would be 6ft under twice. Rosina Potter seemed to think her father had already won, she was sat in the centre of the Gryffindor table surrounded by people and she was talking about how great her father was, it was sickening.

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