Chapter Nine

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Thanks for the good response guys! This is a Merry Christmas chapter, and for those who don't celebrate Happy Holidays :)



I'm not J.K

MY AN: The times don't match up, sorry!! I don't own the story or idea. JKR own Harry Potter

Chapter 9

Staying with the Malfoys was very different from what Harry, Sirius or Remus was expecting. Lucius was crisp and cool, ever the Pureblood, but once you got passed the hard exterior he was very nice, and actually quite amusing to be around. He and Sirius got in to quite a few conversations about the Wizengamot and re-establishing the House of Black and the House of Malfoy's alliance, the upset their coupling would bring to the light side was genuinely enough for Sirius to agree, everything else that could come out of it was just a bonus. Narcissa was a mother through and through, and spoilt Draco rotten, though Lucius was hardly the epitome of strict when it came to his son. Yes he had high expectations of him, but as long as Draco maintained his high grades and didn't bring any negativity to the House Malfoy then Lucius gave his son everything and anything he could want.

Harry also got subjected to Narcissa's mothering, she insisted that without it Sirius would teach him his own wild ways and that was not acceptable; Sirius had pouted for a while after that. Not that Harry actually minded, he actually quite enjoyed the feeling and she reminded him of Rowena. Sirius and Remus seemed to fit right in after the first few nights too, the tension that Harry didn't know they had been carrying seemed to fall away, and when Severus arrived it was brilliant. They had decorated the Manor and Harry was amazed as the twisting and gleaming wreaths of evergreen that covered almost every shelf, mantle or table.

Harry and Draco had a great time relaxing, flying, pranking and being kids, even if they did get a few scoldings for not fully following the rules; Harry discovered that they needed to be even sneakier if they didn't want to be caught. The boy in question was currently scribbling over an idea he had been working on since the beginning on the year when he suddenly froze and broke out in to a massive grin, he bolted to the private sitting room where everyone was sat and burst in with his journal in his hand.

"I have done it, its official, I am a freakin' genius, and I have proved it with this." He announced grandly to everyone and Sirius just cracked up seeing the utter disbelief on Narcissa and Lucius' face.

"Your modesty astounds me, Harry." Severus drawled, having become used to the random bouts of self-praise Harry would give himself, and the boy grinned.

"Well wait until you see this." He said, handing over his latest work, Snape looked through it with his eyebrows raising the more he read.

"This is amazing, all the components will work and even though it is complex I have no doubt you will be able to make it." Snape told him and Harry nodded excitedly.

"I know, sometimes I surprise myself with my intelligence." Harry sat down with a happy sigh, "I was just born to be smart."

"Where did this idea come from?"

"I created a spell that does the exact same thing but I know that it is a tricky spell to cast." Harry shrugged.

"You've created a spell." Lucius exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes and edited a few. I've created a potion too, well two potions now."

"Are you sure you are 11?"

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