Chapter Eight

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I'm not J.K


MY AN: I don't own the story or idea! I don't own Harry Potter either!! 

Chapter 8:

Harry choked violently when he saw Rosina enter the Great Hall on Monday morning, coughing and spluttering as he tried to regain control of his breathing and eventually having the air clearing spell shot at him my an amused Daphne Greengrass.

"What in Merlin's- dear sweet mother of Circe!"

Harry had forcefully turned Draco's head to show him exactly what had caused his reaction and the rest of the first years followed his line of sight. To put it mildly: Rosina Potter looked awful. Her long auburn hair was a livid green, matted together in greasy clumps. Her skin had a sickly yellow tinge, appearing cracked in some placed, though her palms were a bright purple. Whether it was nerves or sheer embarrassment, Rosina had paused in the entrance of the Great Hall, and, at the worst possible time for her, when the Hall burst in to loud laughter, the glue from the previous day kicked in and she found herself unable to move over to the Gryffindor table. Harry was in pain as he tried to control his laughter, and Draco was pink in an effort not to laugh, but it was just too much. They both rose, moving from the hall as fast as they could without breaking decorum, and as soon as they were clear they burst out laughing, collapsing against the nearest wall and laughing until tears streamed down their cheeks.

"Oh Merlin," Draco gasped, "That was the funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life."

"On Circes Magic I didn't know it would come out like that." Harry laughed, and then his eyes widened. "It's set to develop as the week goes on."

They shared a wide eyed look and then fell about laughing again.

All through the week Rosina kept being transformed every time she walked through a classroom door, or entered the Great Hall, and many times Draco and Harry had to excuse themselves simply because it got better each time it happened. Rose had confronted them, blaming them and screaming about how they were going to pay for what they did. Her red headed side kick, the Weasel, as Draco had so tenderly named him, had tried to hex them. Harry and Draco had returned fire, hitting him with spell to give him spots and a colour staining charm, making him walk around with carrot orange skin and pulsing yellow spots all over his hands and face. James tried to give them detention, but the wormed out of it by stating they had air tight alibis and they couldn't have got in to the tower.

When he tried to get them for jinxing Weasley, they produced several witnesses, not only from Slytherin, who swore it was self-defence. Fred and George also caught up with them and congratulated them thoroughly on the genius idea, welcoming them to the pranking world. When Samhain rolled around, while Harry was disgruntled that he could not perform the ritual he usually would, he was feeling positively evil as he knew the tripwires and the strength of their prank on Rosina were at their height. What he didn't realise was how bad it would actually be as a result, so when Rosina walked in, Harry gaped.

"Lady Magic herself, what have we done?" He breathed grabbing Draco's arm, the blonde looked confused until he spotted her and his jaw dropped.

"What in the name of Merlin's mighty magic did we do?"

"Remember I said it would be at its strongest today...?" Harry trailed off. Rosina looked like an ill stereotypical muggle witch. Her hair was black and lank, her skin was a pale green, her nose as lengthened and on her face she had two pulsing warts on her chin and nose. Her hands had gone crooked, her finger nails her brown and long and her teeth had turned yellow.

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