Chapter 10

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Hi everyone! Sorry about the wait, was supposed to have this up last week but uni is a bitch and RL had to take prioriy :(

Thank you for such a great response! I haven't had one bit of negativity from anyone XD



I'm not J.K

R.I.P Alan Rickman <3


Chapter 10:

It was a week after his discovery when Harry finally found the perfect opportunity to go and speak with the Dark Lord, he was going to do it Friday when lessons finished early and most students would be scattered around the school. He wouldn't be missed too much and that was exactly what he needed. He was ridiculously nervous and physically couldn't sit still on Thursday night, many different things spinning in his mind about what he was going to do the following day.

"I need you to cover for me tomorrow at lunch and if I don't make it to dinner." Harry reminded Draco as he paced the dorms.

"Of course," Draco was almost as nervous as Harry, his best friend was going to see the most feared Dark Lord on his own.

"Just say I'm doing research and I've gone somewhere in the castle."


"And if I'm not back before midnight, tell Snape and Sirius everything and point out they probably won't find my body."

"Don't say that." Draco hissed.

"It's the worst case scenario." Harry pointed out.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Definitely, I refuse to pass this opportunity." It was the truth even if his insides felt like crap.

"I need to do something, I'll be back in an hour." Harry muttered and vanished in flames, Draco ran his hands through his hair with a sigh; Harrison Black drove him insane. Harry landed near Salazar's training room, his magic was restless as he had been keeping in reigned in tighter ever since Snape had told him it could be felt as soon as he entered a room. He hissed the password and stood on the platform, he unhooked the hold he had and his magic flared around him strumming in the air, falling in to his duelling stance he began. Harry had missed the twists and flexes of daily duelling practice, the flow of magic circled him humming in contentment. Harry threw everything he had in the firing spells and they were coming in streams, he laughed at the release and finally brought his fyre up and watched as it soared around the room before he let it melt away.

He was glad that he could still perform well, though he wouldn't know how well he came up against an opponent for a while. He brought his magic in and made his way back to the dorms, his nerves had calmed slightly but they were still very much there. Draco was asleep when he got back, the blond was scared for him even if he wouldn't admit it. Harry sat and went in to a meditative trance, going over his mind more to sooth himself rather than order it. When he came too he was perfectly calm and his mind was sharp and clear, and he was ready.

He was up dressed and reading at 6:30 Friday morning, he had Aressa with him as well as the Stone, he was surprised when Draco appeared not long after, they sat in silence until the rest of their year mates came down. At breakfast Harry acted normally but he refused to look at the staff table because he knew Snape or Sirius would spot his swirling emotions he had masked, Draco was quiet and Harry threw him a meaningful look and he pulled it together. They went to Potions and Harry put his full concentration in to his work, he refused to meet Snape's eye head on which he knew the man would notice but he would deal with that later.

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