Chapter Eleven

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I'm not J.K

MY AN: Not the owner, Jkr owns HP

Chapter 11:

Harry was buzzing for the hall to fill up for breakfast, he had dragged Draco up early, much to the blond's disgust, he hadn't told him why just that he had to see something. Harry decided not to tell him about his Godfather's transformation yet because he wanted to see his friend's reaction. When they went to the hall, Harry had deliberately mentioned Snape so Draco would look at him and he hadn't been disappointed; Draco's jaw had dropped and his eyes widened comically.

"What in Merlin's name happened to uncle Sev?" He squeaked, to Harry's utter amusement; the Black Heir had burst out laughing and dodged out of the way of the fist aimed for him.

"I told you I wanted to show you something." Harry said after calming down. Draco rushed to the Head table and stopped in front of Severus who was looking at his Godson in amusement.

"Good Morning, Draco."

"What happened?"

"Miracle juice," Sirius answered cheerfully, sitting down next to Snape and hissing at the stinging hex thrown at him.

"Shut it, Black."

"Which one?" Harry and Sirius asked together and Severus sighed.

"Merlin, help me."

"You still haven't told me what happened." Draco pointed out.

"Harrison and I had a potions accident and the antidote did this."

Draco's pale eyebrows rose and he turned to Harry.

"You did this?"

"On accident, yes,"

"By accident cub," Remus corrected, taking his own seat and picking up some toast. "Nice new look Severus, it suits you."

"Thank you, see Black, that's how you compliment someone politely."

"I didn't say anything." Harry said with a grin, Snape shot him a light glare to which Harry looked back innocently.

"I still don't know how this happened, maybe it just reversed all the damage your potions made." Harry suggested.

"It could be," Snape agreed, "I have brewed many toxic potions during my time as a Master, some of them would have left their mark."

Sirius slung his arm over Snape's shoulder with a grin.

"Well keep the juice available, just in case." He received another stinging hex, this time to his face but thankfully his mate was there to block it for him. The rest of the population started coming in and as soon as they caught sight of Snape whispers spread like wild fire. Harry flashed a grin at his Professor and wandered back to the table, Snape scowled as Sirius snickered at him but then sighed as he realised he would have to get used to it. Severus Snape was the sole topic of conversation during the entire breakfast much to the man's displeasure and the Harry's endless amusement.

The reaction that caught Harry's attention was when Lily Potter entered, she was alone and Harry noticed the glamours again and the fact that she seemed to be limping slightly. She glanced at Severus and stopped, she was looking at him unconditional awe and adoration, it was a look that Harry had never seen on her face and it only raised more questions in his mind. When James came in she flinched again and hurried to the head table, Harry's eyes narrowed as he followed her up, there was definitely something going on with her and Harry made a note to watch her more closely. They went to lesson and it seemed that Snape was a new celebrity, everywhere Harry went the Potions Master was mentioned and some of it was alarming.

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