Chapter Twelve

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#Parsel# if it comes up.

I'm not J.K


MY AN: Not my Story or my idea.

JKR owns Harry Potter

Chapter 12:

Everything was black. Harry couldn't feel, see, smell or hear anything but blackness and it was disconcerting. At first his mind had been foggy, swimming in the darkness, unable to work out the reason for the strangeness, and then it began to clear. He remembered Rosina smashing in to him and kicking his broom and then the blackness came. It had happened too fast for him to use his flame to reach the ground safely, he didn't even think, and it had been too late to catch himself with his air. He knew when he hit the floor because there had been a lot of pain before he had ended up where he was.

It was weird in the blackness, he didn't like it much because he was used to being active and not being able to do anything was horrible. There was a change, at one point. A light had appeared, it sang with soft magics and he had tried so hard to pull himself towards the light that he could see but something was holding him back. He fought hard, the calling of the magic so strong to him, and when he finally got right next to it someone pushed him back away roughly. Harry growled, spinning to face them and he nearly had a heart attack when Merlin appeared in front of him.

"Are you insane? Do you know Salazar is having a breakdown thinking your going to jump in to the after life early? It is not your time to go yet Harry, why are you trying so hard to come through?"

All Harry could do was gape.

"Harry?" Merlin snapped and the boy shook his head.


"Of course, have you forgotten me already?"

"No, no, of course not! But what are you doing here and what are you talking about?"

"I'm trying to stop you from dying. When you fell, nasty fall as it was, you sustained horrific injuries, too painful for any mind to bare, which is why your consciousness shut down to deal with the pain. You ended up here where you can't feel, hear, see or smell anything from your consciousness, and I am using some highly forbidden magics to stop you from making a terrible mistake. The light you fought so hard to get to is on," Merlin explained and Harry's eyes widened.

"As in dying on?"

"Yes, Harry." He confirmed. "I don't know about you but I don't think you are ready to die."

"Oh Lady Magic no." Harry said.

"You need to go back to your consciousness to heal." Merlin informed him. Harry wrinkled his nose.


Merlin motioned to something and Harry looked around, there was another light, one he had not noticed before as it was not as bright at the first. When he reached out for it he found it was riddled with pain and he cringed back from it.

"There's a lot of pain over there." He pointed out but Merlin looked at him blankly.

"I will not tell you what to do, Harry but I am confident that you will work out why you need to get back to your consciousness to heal." Merlin told him and Harry nodded, it was the way the man worked.

"The Founders send their best and they are proud of you, Salazar is especially happy with his blood heir and yourself."

Harry felt a pang of something deep within himself, but he still found himself smiling brightly.

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