Chapter Four

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AO3 AN: Un'beta'd

I'm not J.K


MY AN: I'm not the owner 

I don't own Harry Potter either

Chapter 4:

Two weeks, Harry decided, was really too short of a time. His last days with the Founders would be something that he cherished forever, and nothing would ever change that. They made sure he had the greatest time of his life. Rowena helped him finish and perfect his masking spell and its incantation, and he had fun showing it off to an impressed Salazar, although he did get a scolding of a lifetime for scaring the Slytherin Lord out of his wits.

The scolding didn't do much, however, as Harry was too busy howling with laughter at the undignified sound that left the man and in the end Salazar had bribed Harry to keep quiet about the incident. Salazar later found out that Godric had been testing the spell with Harry, so had witnessed the entire incident first hand, and had no qualms in telling the Ladies all about it, he had even went as far as sharing the memory with them so they could get the full force of the hilarity. Harry had been forced to walk around doing a fair impression of Medusa, without the deadly gaze, for two days after that, and it was an absolute nightmare listening to the snakes go on and on constantly.

He thanked his stars however, Godric was still baying a week later. The final evening's dinner was the grandest affair Harry had ever seen, the Great Hall was decked out at its finest and the elves had prepared a feast the Gods would have been proud of. They spoke and they sang, they laughed and they cried up until the early hours when Harry finally collapsed, completely worn out, in Salazar's waiting arms.

His trunk was packed, he was dressed in his finest robes, Aressa tucked away and his wand was strapped to his arm – once he had finally found it. It was harder than Harry could have ever imagined, standing before the four Founders knowing it would be the last time he would ever physically see them, and he just broke down. He cried, clutching Salazar in a grip of iron, until he was out of tears. The adults couldn't hold back their own emotions, parting from one they saw as family – who was family.

"I know it is difficult, Snakelet." Salazar said softly, rubbing his hand over the boy's shoulder. "But you are strong and you are going to show everyone what a mistake they made."

"We'll miss you just as much, but we know that you'll be doing so well." Rowena told him.

"You'll do us all so proud." Godric agreed.

"You'll finally get to see your Godfather and Uncle again." Helga reminded him, smiling through her own tears, "You've missed them so much."

That seemed to finally calm the boy down. He drew back and wiped his eyes with his hands, his missing etiquette being ignored this once.

"I do get to see them again." Harry repeated, "I've been looking forward to that."

"You will have the opportunity to rebuild strong bonds with them again," Salazar pointed out, "I believe they will be overjoyed at the prospect."

"I hope so. It's been so long."

"Do not doubt the bond, Harry." Merlin told him, from his place in the corner. He had kept out of the proceedings, his position in reguards to Harry was different. While he could not promise to see the boy again, it could not be said that he wouldn't.

"I know, I shouldn't. I guess I am just nervous." He admitted.

"As soon as you see them it'll all go away." Godric assured.

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