Chapter Six

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AO3 AN: Thank you for the amazing response this fic seems to be gaining!


I'm not J.K


MY AN: Not the owner, I don't own Harry Potter either

Chapter 6:

Harry was awake, dressed and on his second book by the time the rest of the boys even stirred, he was used to getting up early and it was only on a rare occasion he stayed in bed. Harry had his school bag packed with all his lesson books and his chosen extras ready to go, he knew there was a strong possibility he was going to be bored in class, but Merlin had told him it enabled him to do other things with his time.

He would be able to gain connections, work on separate projects and try and sort through the whole dark and light issues in the current time. He cast a tempus and rose to his feet, it was approaching the time where the prefects would be leading then up to the Great Hall so Harry went back in to the dorm to tell Aressa not to get caught and to make sure the rest of the boys were up and at least getting ready. Slytherin was a united front after all.

"How in Merlin's are you ready already?" Draco exclaimed.

"I've been reading for like 2 hours." Harry said with a shrug, "Now if you want to eat hurry up." Harry stroked Aressa before leaving the scurrying pre-teens in favour for his books. Draco was the first to immerge, looking slightly disgruntled but his attire was impeccable and he was ready to go for the day. Some of the girls had arrived by that point, and they were milling around the common room waiting for the prefects. Crabbe and Goyle were the last people to arrive, just in time because two prefects came down and nodded to them.

"This will only happen today unless you believe you will have difficulty finding your own way to the Great Hall." The male prefect told them. "If you do have problems, speak with one of us, and if you cannot find up speak to Professor Snape who will pass on the message to us."

They were taken the long way to the Great Hall, much to Harry's aggravation and he made a note to show Draco, at least, the quicker way of getting to the Hall. Harry helped himself to breakfast, waiting for his timetable to be handed out and striking up conversation with Draco about what classes the other was looking forward to. Harry took his timetable happily when Professor Snape came around to hand the out, though his mood was slightly diminished when he realised he wouldn't have Potions until the following Friday.

"Shall we go to Charms?" Theodore asked and they nodded. The entire first year rose and left together, getting nods of approval from the older years. They had a basic map on the back of their timetables, but Harry noted that it was the long way to the classroom and they would be there only just in time; not a way he wanted to start his first day of school.

"Ignore the map and follow me." Harry said to them, walking up the first flight of stairs and then turning left instead of continuing up.

"But we haven't got time to explore." One of the girls said.

"Yeah, and if we're late on the first day Professor Snape will be really mad." Blaise added.

"Don't worry, we're not exploring." Harry said, leading them through a portrait of a man who was making his cutlery and crockery dance. They moved through the sloping corridor quickly and came to an apparent blank wall, Harry tapped the top left corner and it swung open, bringing them out on the Charms corridor.

"Tah dah!"

"How could you have possibly known that?" Draco demanded and Harry smirked.

"I'm just that good." Harry stated. Realising that they were not going to get anything else out of him, they all slipping on their masks and waited for the rest of Ravenclaw House to arrive. Harry noted that the other House didn't seem to have the same rules as Slytherin, because they were going individually or in pairs. The Professor was the tiny Flitwick, Harry surmised that he was part Goblin, who took the register and started right on with his lecture. Harry was disappointed, but unsurprised, when Flitwick started with the basics of Charms, including the twelve wand movements, none of which Harry used himself and it made him sigh when he realised he would have to actively use his wand.

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