January 10th, 2018

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I haven't posted in FoReVeR (aka 4 days XD )

SO today I read the first book in the The Mysterious Benedict Society series. Oof was it good! I loved it!

I don't hav any art but...

I've got a school assignment. Wanna read it? I know you do. It's about Wilhelm Grimm and some guy named Tortoise. I'v got the Prologue and first chapter done sooooo... You can read that for now! ;)


    Time was against him- that was one thing for sure. Tortoise was rounding the corner just as the gates closed. He sighed, dismayed that he couldn't leave the city until tomorrow.

"I'll be here bright and early tomorrow!" he promised. Although he probably wouldn't. He had promised this to himself for countless nights before this, and the people who lived near the gates knew what he was going to say next by heart.

"I promise this time! I'll make it, and make it an effort not to be late! The gates may be closed but that won't stop me!" He proceeded to try and climb the wall for the next hour, note the word try. He couldn't climb up stairs without tripping, and so no one was quite sure why he tried to climb the wall. After his hour of hopeless climbing he decided to head back to the inn.

Walking back to the inn took some time, pathways leading here and there as he walked. At night the dark alleyways seemed to be in the twilight zone, and that didn't make heading home any easier. It was getting creepie by the minute as he walked down the deserted streets of Hanau in darkness. A scream pierced the air.

Tortoise looked around but no one else seemed to have heard it. No one flickered on the lights in their house to see what had happened. He put it aside as just him imagining things.

"Creepy streets and now hearing voices. These streets don't seem so creepy in the day," he calmed himself. He took in a deep breath and continued walking, but what he saw next left him speechless.

Chapter 1

"And they all lived happily ever after?" Jacob inquired aloud, "Why would anyone end off a story like that?"

"I don't know why. No one actually lives happily ever after, the story should end with 'they all lived happily until they died'. Why cut out things that are the truth? You can't cut out hardship in real life, so why in stories?" Wilhelm responded.

"Quite true," Jacob agreed, "'And they all lived happily until they died'. That's quite an excellent statement brother."

Wilhelm laughed his appreciation and got back to his writing. He was kind of bored so he got up and stretched. "I'm going to take a walk. I'll be back soon," he told his brother. Although he couldn't tell if Jacob had heard him or not he smiled and left the room.

Walking through the streets of Hanau he went into the local inn. He smiled, hoping he could learn some new stories to add to his and Jacob's book. The place was loud and most of the men were sitting at the bar and rambunctiously jostling their buddies as they told tales of their adventures, which were most likely stories they made up to impress the other people who were listening.

One man sat alone at a table, nursing his drink as if he wasn't sure what to do with it. He didn't look sad, only frightened. Wilhelm walked over to him and the man glanced up at him for a moment.

"Sir, do you mind if I sit with you?" Wilhelm asked.

"Hmm? Sure, why not," the man said.

"My name is Wilhelm Grimm. May I ask, what is yours?"

"Tortoise," he answered bluntly.

"Tortoise you said? Sorry I fear I may have heard you wrong."

Tortoise looked up from the table and met his gaze. "Yes, Tortoise," he said.

Wilhelm smiled, glad that Tortoise had finally looked up. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Wilhelm said, holding out his hand.

Tortoise shook it warily before asking, "What do you want from me?"

"I beg your pardon?" Wilhelm asked.

"You obviously want something from me. Why else would you be so friendly with a complete stranger?"

"Well I'll be honest, I love hearing folklore. If you knew any stories, I would be delighted to hear them."

"Folklore?" Tortoise seemed to brighten up at this comment and said, "Yes. I know them in abundance." His face suddenly darkened and he said, "I don't think now is quite the time though."

"Why is that?"

"It... Well..." Tortoise had trouble forming the words to complete his sentence and fumbled a bit, in effect tipping the table and spilling his drink. "Oh, I'm sorry Wilhelm," he apologized before cleaning up the mess. He nodded to Wilhelm and said, "Maybe we can talk again another day," before walking out of the inn.

-- -- --

It's supposed to be a short story what do you think? I kind-of like it but It needs some polishing. I'll get that done soon! If you're really super bored this probably kept you busy for 30 seconds...


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