April 14th, 2018

17 2 0





Kay so...

I'm writing a book called The Coded Diary. In my book I'm experimenting with first person view so bear with me...

Also I've never written a story with a plot quite like this one so it's a bit of a challenge. Mostly because it's about a captain of a ship and I know absolutely NOTHING about boats...

So whatever.

Oh and it's also got secret codes hidden in it.

Yech thats it for today.


Also my cousin(ais_is_a_giraffe ) has a plastic cactus she named *clears throat* Wait now let me see here...

Oh right! His name is...

Reginald Ronald von Gough de Gratspattle XVII

Now I know that doesn't seem too long of a name but once I was in a play where the name was:

Reginald von Hapsburg de Gratspattle Unter Cracken Fluffernuffer III.

Say that out loud it's a mouthful.

Yech thats it for now. Bai.

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