April 10th, 2018

19 3 5

The USA was just startin' out a whole brand new Coun-treeey
And so our people spelled it out they wanted-
A land of liberty...🎵"

Excerpt from the song at the top ^^^ It's a song in the play I'm doing. Sorreh if you don't live in the US and are offended by this for some weird reason.


Don't see why you would be but people can get touchy when you start to talk about countries and religion and stuff.

Religion I sort of get but country? Really?


Kay I'll stop talking about that.


I'm reading a book called As Old as Time by Liz Braswell. If you couldn't guess, it's a Beauty and the Beast fanfic pretty much.


Except it's a published book.

Except it's a published book

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The cover. ^^^

No art for now but...

I just got asked by ChemicalDisco22 if I do requests.

The answer is Yes.

Or, at least until further notice. This might change- check my profile for complete confirmation.

I do Art Trades as well.


Ok I do requests why would you want to pay for it?


Also, if I did I would have people pay in art, OCs, or Flight Rising currency, so no real money.



Kay thats all for now bai.



Look, um, Fuji-kun? (Fuji-kun knows who they are.)

I'm sorreh... No book cover yet.

So... Yeh...

Also: Fra voy excitee sof hestint uexn leew, Jujf-ouk? Tt'i Iatm thit fimt.


That message was meant only for the people who could read that. And people like Fuji-kun can read that, it's not impossible.


So yeh have a nice day.

Inscribed In Stone (artbook)Where stories live. Discover now