March 3rd, 2018

24 3 10



I'm going to have a little ity-bity art competition...


MEMORIES! (My and my cousins manga if you don't remember)

So, who's interested? Well, I guess I haven't given enough info yet so...

Kaishi and Haru are the main characters of Memories, if you don't remember. To enter the competition you have to draw either of the main characters OR re-draw a panel from the book. It should be in color, but if you red-draw the entire page TRADITIONALLY it won't have to be.

Pls nothing inappropriate or with to much gore...

Your art will be given points based on this rubric:

~~~ Color/detail - 5 pts
3 pts for correct coloring
2 pts for correct details

~~~Character Count - 2 pts (possibility of 3)
1 pt for Kaishi
1 pt for Haru
BONUS - 1 pt for adding your own OC

~~~Backdrop - 5 pts
2 pts for having backdrop
2 pts for coloring backdrop
1 pt for the backdrop being from the book

~~~BONUS and other -
BONUS 1 pt for shading

I won't draw anything inappropriate or gorey, okay.

Full bodies can be converted to half-bodies and headshots.
Half bodies can be converted to headshots.

14/12 -
1 Full-body of any character (no gore or inappropriate anything OKAY. For anything.)
2 half bodies
2 headshots

13/12 -
1 full body
1 half body
2 headshots

12/12 -
1 headshot




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Kaishi is the FemaleHaru is the Male

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Kaishi is the Female
Haru is the Male

All fanart will be entered in my MEMORIES FANART book, which will be created as soon as the first piece of fanart is...
You'll be credited in the fanart book too, so don't worry about that. ;)

Oh... And on a side note, please tag me when you enter your art as well as telling me in the comments of this chapter that you're entering. Thanks!

Also, as long as you get all the points, it doesn't matter how many people get prizes. You have until APRIL 1st to enter. All late entries will be added to the fanart book, but not awarded prizes.

-Art must be done by April 1st, 2018
-Art must follow guidelines to be rewarded
-No gore/cussing/inappropriate things
-Your art will be graded as soon as I see it is finished and you will be given prizes as fast as possible

I'll tell you your score to, so no worries. ;)

I wish you all luck, break a leg!


Don't actually break a leg. That would be bad.

Kay BYE! Hope you enjoy (and enter) my competition!

Inscribed In Stone (artbook)Where stories live. Discover now