The Surprise

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"Good morning, my dear," a voice said softly, as I woke up.

"Good morning, my royal husbandness," I answered, slowly sitting up.

"Morning, baby!" Maxon whispered into my new baby bump.

"Don't forget we have the ultrasound at 1 today," I reminded him.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Maxon exclaimed, kissing me.

Maxon slipped out of bed and went to his bathroom to take a shower, while I remained in bed. It was 2 weeks ago now, since Maxon's birthday. 2 weeks since he found out I was pregnant. I ripped the covers off and walked to my room, where Mary and Paige stood waiting for me.

"Good morning, your majesty," Mary and Paige said in unison, curtseying.

"Good morning, ladies. Do you have my dress ready?" Paige nodded and rushed to my closet and came back with a beautiful light green dress. The dress hid my baby bump well, which was a key thing to keep away any rumors.

"Excuse me" I said running to my bathroom as a wave of nausea hit me. After dumping the rest of what was in my stomach, Mary came in and got me clean and ready for another tiring, but exciting, day.


Maxon squeezed my hand as we walked toward the hospital wing. It was nearly 1 o'clock, which meant it was time for my first ultrasound with Maxon. "If we can, do we want to know the gender, Maxon?" I asked.

"Personally, I would. But with the laws of inheritance being changed, I think it is best if we don't so if it is a girl, the advisers won't stop working," Maxon said, sighing. I nodded, we both wanted this for our generation and future ones.

"Hello, your majesties," Dr. Ashlar said, bowing and we walked in. "Let's get started!"

I layed down on the bed, while Maxon sat down in the grey chair next to me, still holding my hand. Dr. Ashlar walked up to us with a container in his hand. "Do you want to rub this on, your majesty, or should I?"

"I will!" Maxon said, gleefully.

The gel was cold when it hit my stomach and I shuddered.

"Do you want to know the gender yet?" Dr. Ashlar said setting up the machine more.

"No, we would like to keep it a surprise," I responded.

He fetched what he called 'The wand' and got to work finding our baby in my stomach. The screen was turned away from us. Maxon and I were eager to see, but waited patiently.

"Hmm..." Dr. Ashlar said, staring at the screen before him.

"Is there something wrong? Is the baby ok?" I asked, my blood turning cold in fear. I felt Maxon stiffen next to me.

"No the baby isn't ok, the babies are ok though."

"What?" Maxon asked, surprised.

"Congratulations, your majesties, you are having twins!" Dr. Ashlar exclaimed.

Maxon and I broke into wide smiles (and tears in my case).

"I can't believe it! We are having, not one, but two children!!" Maxon said, kissing me and wiping away a tear from my face.

"That probably explains why your baby bump is came slightly earlier than expected, and your constant nausea." Dr. Ashlar turned the screen toward us so we could see. There were two blurs, almost blobs, in the image that one day, I would be able to hold. I teared up again at the thought and looked at Maxon, who looked like he was also trying to keep it together.

"Can we have copies of this?" he asked.

"Of course, your Majesty!" the Doctor said, pressing some buttons and printing 3 copies of the image.

"Because you are having twins, this will complicate things. Your baby bump will get larger quickly, so I suggest you inform your family within the next day or so, and the public at the next Report," he said, sitting down. Maxon nodded and squeezed my arm.

"The due date will probably be around mid/late April but we will know for sure later," he continued. "Other than the nausea, are you feeling alright, your Majesty?"


"Wonderful. I will leave you two alone, and let me know if you have any questions. Let me or a nurse know when you leave," he said bowing and shutting the door.

"When would you like to tell your family?" Maxon asked.

I thought for a second, "Tomorrow?"

He nodded and kissed me happily

This is being entered on the_selection_seriez's Fanfiction contest on Instagram.


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