Like a Fairytale

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"We raised her well," Maxon said, whispering into my ear and putting an arm around me.

I nodded, tears staring to form in my eyes. A cheer went up in the crowd as Eadlyn and Erik kissed. Erik took Eadlyn's hand and they waved at the guests, as they walked back down the aisle. Eadlyn looked so happy, and that warmed my heart. She had found her "dear," as Maxon would say.

Maxon and I walked out of the Chapel, hand in hand, but silent. "It is hard to believe that two of our four children are married," I said finally.

"Yeah, I can't wait until Kaden finds himself a girl," he replied.

"Between you and me, I think he has eyes for someone already," I said nodding toward Kaden and Josie walking next to each other and chatting.

Maxon looked over and raised his eyebrows. "How did I not notice that?"

I giggled and leaned against him. He bent down to kiss me.

"Didn't I say you two should stop being mushy around me?" A voice said behind us.

We turned toward Eadlyn and Erik, who were still holding hands. Maxon and I laughed and we went to hug them. "Congratulations!" Maxon smiled.

"Thank you, your Majesties," Erik said, smiling.

"Didn't we tell you?! Call us America and Maxon, or Mom and Dad, if you prefer. We're now your in-laws," I said.

"Yes, you can now drop the formalities around us. We're family," Maxon agreed.

Eadlyn's eyes teared up and she and Erik lovingly looked at each other.

"Now you know how we feel. Maybe we need to tell you to stop being 'mushy'" I said, laughing. Eadlyn laughed and Maxon and Erik soon joined in.

"You two head to the reception. We will be behind you, but we need to talk to Marlee and Carter quickly," Maxon said.

"Ok!" Eadlyn kissed us on our cheeks and Erik pulled her to the limo, laughing.

"Do you think Erik is allowed to call Eadlyn her dear?" Maxon asked me, his eyes smiling.

I swatted his arm, laughing. "So you want to talk with Marlee and Carter?"

He nodded."We need to chat about the new relationship between our kids."

We looked around a bit and finally saw Marlee and Carter quietly chatting in the back of the crowd. "Marlee! Carter!" I called to them as we walked up.

"Hey! How are you doing?" Marlee asked.

"Good, but we need to chat," Maxon said. Marlee and Carter exchanged a look.

"What do you think about Josie and Kaden..." Maxon asked.

"Wait! Are they a thing or something, and I didn't know?" Carter asked, surprised. Marlee and I started laughing.

"You seriously didn't notice?" Marlee questioned him.

"Well they have been spending a lot of time with each other..." Carter trailed off.

"This will be interesting to see how it plays out," I said.

"What will?" a voice asked. I saw Marlee try to surpress a giggle.

"Oh, nothing Ahren... Just the possiblitiy of your brother and Josie being together," I said turning toward him.

"Now that I would like to see!" Ahren said, smiling. Camille grinned as well.

"Shall we head to the reception?" Ahren asked. We all nodded and headed toward the nearest limo.


Kaden, Josie, and Osten were already in the limo. Kaden and Josie were talking, while Osten was writing something. The car went silent when we all filed in. Maxon, Marlee, Carter, and I were having diffculties keeping a straight face, but somehow we managed. Marlee and I kept on shooting looks at each other the whole time we drove back to the palace for the party.

Marlee, Carter, and Josie waved to us and headed in. Ahren, Camille, Kaden, Osten, Maxon, and I stayed back, because we needed to be introduced. "Please welcome his and her royal Majesties Prince Ahren Schreave de Sauveterre and Princess Camille de Sauveterre of France!" the announcer called into the Great Room.

They walked in to clapping and stepped aside for our entrance. "Please welcome his and her Royal Majesties, King Maxon Schreave and the Queen-mother America Schreave and their Royal Highnesses Prince Kaden and Prince Osten Schreave!" the announcer said into the Great Hall. We all walked in and meet up with Ahren and Camille.

"And now, please welcome the royal newly-weds, Queen Eadlyn Schreave de Koskinen and Prince-Consort Erik Koskinen of Illea!!"

The room erupted in claps and cheers. Flashes went off from the cameras in the backround. Eadlyn looked simply lovely in her white dress. Erik whispered something in her ear, smiling, and she grinned back. It was then I was sure that Eadlyn had found her happily ever after to her fairytale.

New one-shot! I hope this wasn't too confusing!


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