The List

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The Schreaves were known for having a way with words. Ahren and his father wrote the sweetest and most heartfelt letters. Kaden was a master at languages, seeming to absorb each one like a sponge. Eadlyn could get a whole stack of reports finished in record speed, when focused, and still give people who crossed her a tongue lashing. Even the former King Clarkson's way of twisting words in a cunning way was undeniable. But Osten? Well, let's just say he wasn't passionate about tax reports or writing sappy love letters. No, he loved lists.

And this particular list he was quite excited about.

Osten crossed off "switch the sugar with salt" on his list, grinning as he remembered the reaction of the kitchen staff. Their faces had made his week!

Of course, there had also been the moment when his mother found out the reason why she had no strawberry tarts. Osten frowned. That part wasn't so fun.

And while Osten relished doing fun and simple pranks such as that one, there were some serious things on his lists as well.

Such as terrorizing Josie Woodwork.

But it was all for a good cause, you see. Through stealing journal, spying, and just plain observation, Osten was able to figure out that Josie had a massive crush on his brother Kaden. And Kaden felt similarly about Josie.

The only problem was that they were in constant denial of said fact, claiming that they were "just friends" and that the other didn't feel the same way.

Yes, and the earth was flat.

So, Osten being the selfless and caring brother that he was, decided he was going to help Kaden get his girl.

The plan? Create a situation where "Prince Charming" could swoop in and save the damsel in distress.

Osten grinned, clasping his hands together with glee. This was going to be fun.


"Hello, dear brother!" Osten called down the hallway.

Kaden narrowed his eyes at him. "What did you do?"

Osten ignored the question. "Beautiful day, isn't it? Going out to the gardens?"

"Yes, actually. I'm meeting Josie there," Kaden said cautiously.

Osten grinned. "Oh, I know."

Kaden gave Osten a sharp look. "I'm going to ask one last time, Osten. What did you do?"

"A favor," Osten replied as a shriek was heard from a room by them.

Kaden's eyes widened. "Josie? Is that you?"

"Yes! Your brat of a brother locked me in this room!"

Kaden turned to Osten only to find him already halfway down the hallway. "Time to do your job, Prince Charming," Osten called mockingly. "I expect credit when you get married."

Kaden blushed, hoping Josie didn't hear. Clearing his throat, he walked over to the door and tried opening it. It was locked. Of course.

"Josie? Are you alright?" Kaden asked.

"Does it look like I'm alright?" Josie demanded. "When I get my hands on that little-"

"I'm going to get a guard to help open the door," he interrupted. "Don't go anywhere."

"As if I could. Please hurry!"

Kaden mentally slapped himself as he rushed away in search of a guard. Thankfully, General Leger happened to be walking past in a nearby hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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