Love Birds

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Light shined through the white curtains into the bedroom, awakening me. "Maxon?" I asked, rolling over.

Hmm, he wasn't here, was it that late already? I checked the clock, and that was when I saw it. An envelope lay next to the clock, with my name written in neat cursive. I laughed. Maxon would never really stop surprising me, would he? I picked up the envelope and opened it, eager to see what he had in store for me.

Good Morning, my dear! I see you have awaken! Meet me in the gardens, I have something planned for us!

Tearing the covers back, I lept out of bed and scurried to my room to get dressed. Mary had left out a pale pink dress for me to wear last night. I quickly got myself dressed and twisted my hair into a simple bun. I slipped out of my room and greeted the guards and maids, as I traveled down the hallways.

"America!" Marlee called, waving at me from across the hall. "Where are you going?" She asked, walking toward me.

"I am heading to the gardens. Maxon is meeting me there," I answered, smiling.

"It isn't raining is it?" Marlee raised an eyebrow, and peeked out the nearest window.

"No, it isn't raining. He has planned some sort of surprise," I laughed.

"Well I'll leave you to that," Marlee said, shooting me a knowing smile.

"Do you know what it is about?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

Marlee looked over her shoulder at me. "My lips are sealed."

"Fine, then I order you to tell me!"

"Sorry, your Majesty, but my orders come from higher up, and they tell me to not tell you!" She shouted, and rounded the corner.

I laughed. Higher up? We would see about that...


I swung open the glass doors that lead to the gardens. Walking over to our usual bench, I couldn't see Maxon anywhere.

Where was he?

A pair of hands suddenly blocked my vision.

"Maxon Schreave!" I scolded.

"How did you know it was me?" Maxon asked, stepping in front of me.

"Because no one else would dare to do that. Well, except for maybe Marlee or May."

He chuckled and kissed me. "How was your morning?"

"Good, except when you called me your 'dear' in that letter." I glared at him playfully.

He laughed again, and sat down on the bench, and I followed his actions.

"So what do you have planned?" I asked, leaning into him.

Maxon smiled at me, kissing my forehead. "Nothing much..."

"Oh really?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow.

Maxon just smiled mysteriously, not letting on to his secret.

We sat there, just taking in the outdoors. The breeze tickles me, when I realized something. "Maxon?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He turned to look at me.

"Why aren't you at work?"

Maxon sighed. "I took half of the day off to be with you, my love. I felt we needed more time together."

"Fair enough. But I want to know my surprise!" I demanded.

He smiled and shook his head, "Always so stubborn. Close your eyes, and wait here." I heard the sound of his shoes walking away quickly, as I closed my eyes.

I heard more feet shuffle toward me. "Don't open your eyes yet!" Maxon called.

I heard the quick sound of water and then silence. After a few minutes, some people walked away.

"You can open now!"

I opened my eyes and gasped. Sitting before me was a good-sized stone bird bath. On the edges, sat three small songbirds made of stone.

"I love it Maxon." I smiled and kissed him, knowing why the songbirds were there.

"Your brother sculpted it, in case you were wondering." Maxon whispered.

I rose my eyebrows, "Willingly?"

He coughed. "It took some.... persuasion."

"Ah." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, admiring the new addition to the garden.

We watched as two birds landed on the edge of the bath and inspected the stone brids next to them. One bird "dove" right into the bath while the other watched. Slowly, he took a step in with the other. The birds almost seemed to snuggle with each other while in the water. I looked at Maxon and saw him taking a picture of the birds with his camera. I hadn't noticed that he had brought it out with him.

"They're like us," he whispered when he saw me looking at him.

"How?" I asked softly.

"They are love birds," Maxon said into my ear, and I smiled.

What do you think? Completely random story, but it turned out better than I thought it would.


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