Musical Notes and Love Notes

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Eikko and my hand swung between us as we walked through the palace halls. It was nearly eleven at night, and Kerttu had finally decided to sleep. But only after we sang her favorite Christmas song again, even though Christmas was a few days ago.

I sighed a little, and felt Eikko squeeze my hand, letting me know he was there. I found it facinating how just by the tone of my sigh, he could figure out what was wrong and how to comfort me. It was one of the many things that deepened my love for him.

As we passed a door of a parlor, I froze. There was a sound coming from inside.

"Eadlyn?" Eikko asked, looking to me.

I held up a finger, silencing him, and slowly opened the door. I smiled at the sight before me.

Mom was playing a song on the piano as Dad rested his head on her shoulder, inhaling the scent of her hair. Even when their eyes didn't meet, or when they weren't fully focused on the other, they were still drawn to each other. I had never seen a couple more in love than my parents.

Eikko lead me into the room, careful to not to disturb them. He wrapped his arms around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder, still watching. Mom's fingers continued to dance on the keys, oblivious to the extra audience. I felt so peaceful and safe with Eikko's arms around me, and the sound of my mother's music playing in the background.

I glanced back at my parents and saw my dad turn a little. Our eyes met, and I could see the question in his. His lips moved against Mom's ear and the music abruptantly stopped.

"What are you doing here?" Mom asked, surprised, as she turned towards us.

"Listening and watching you." I replied, smiling. Mom motioned to the two couches near the piano and we all moved to sit on them.

"Did Kerttu finally go to sleep?" Dad asked.

Eikko nodded, running a hand through his hair. "It took a bit, as usual. She can be so stubborn sometimes." We all laughed.

"May I ask why you were playing piano in here?" I asked, brushing something off my dress.

"I-uh-we...." Dad looked to Mom, unsure how to explain.

"Today is an anniversary of sorts," Mom said quietly. I raised my eyebrow.

"During my Selection, I wrote some love notes to your mother. And today is the "anniversary" of when I gave them to her," Dad explained.

"So you were playing music to celebrate?" I asked.

"Yes. I love hearing your mother play. I remember feeling I was cast under a spell when I first heard her play the violin," Dad responded, earning a kiss from Mom on his cheek.

"So they are notes," Eikko said suddenly. "You are celebrating getting love notes by playing musical ones."

Mom and Dad seemed to be surprised by Eikko's connection. "Why yes, I suppose we are," Dad said finally. "I didn't even think about that."

We smiled at each other. All of a sudden, the door opened and a tiny voice carried into the room.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

"Kerttu! What are you doing out of bed?" I exclaimed, jumping up from the seat.

"I-I couldn't sleep," she whimpered.

"Why not? We sang you the song, like you asked," Eikko said, lifting her on his lap.

"But there's a monster under my bed!" She cried.

I sighed, silently cursing Osten. I knew it was a bad idea to let Osten babysit Kerttu on Halloween. He let her watch a movie with monsters in it. Granted, it was a cartoon and made for her age group, but it still gave her nightmares. Now, she had difficulty sleeping at night.

"How about Grandma sings you a song?" I asked. Kerttu nodded, and I looked to Mom with pleading eyes. Thankfully, she nodded, and walked to the piano.

"A Christmas song, please!"

Mom smiled and placed her fingers on the keys. A melody that I recognized sang from the piano, only I couldn't quite place where I had heard it from. But once Mom began singing, I knew. It was the, practically ancient, Christmas song, Silent Night.

Kerttu smiled, listening to Mom's beautiful voice. By the time she was nearly finished, Kerttu's eyes had begun to droop, and she was sound asleep on Eikko's lap.

Mom's eyes shined happily as she sat down again. "That was beautiful. Thank you," I whispered.

Mom just smiled and nodded, leaning into Dad.

And there we sat, all silently watching Kerttu sleep, happy memories being remembered and made.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!


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