(6) getting a job

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(1st edit: 12.18.18)

I wake up after a night of crying to my pillow. I want to get a job, but not just any job. I want to be a girl at one of my fathers sex bars. I get dressed all nice and walk straight to my dads office. I open the door to see that he is in a meeting. 

So I do the only thing I can do now. 

"Todos fuera!(Everybody out!)" 

I tell them, my voice rising. They look at me with wide unfamiliar eyes. Thomas, Xavier, and Martini. Yes thats what I'm calling him now. They all have open mouths. Are they trying to catch flies or something? 

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear...everybody out...AHORA!" 

That got people moving. Everybody came to their senses, realized who I am and got the fuck out of the oversized office till it's just me and my father now. I walk over to his alcohol cabinet and  pour myself a drink of pure bourbon.

I turn to my father.

"I'm going undercover at one of your sex bars and before you say no, let me just add this...you wanted me to be a part of this world and so I am, under my own terms." 

My dad looks at me with utter shock.

"Martini and Xav will train me in self defence and Tia Bella will teach me how to be one of those 'girls'" 

My father slowly nods. 

"Si, eso es lo queen quieres...que asi sea, pero no voy a tener en mi hija prostituturise(Yes, that's what you want ... so be it, but I will not have my daughter be a prostitute). I have one condition, you can do whatever you want to the men but they will NOT touch you. Understood?" 

I nod and leave the room. 

"Xavier! Martini! A word please." 

I yell into our private training facility in the basement. Both boys stop beating up fake dummies and walk over to me. 

"Really? Martini?" he asks and I smile and laugh. 

"Yes, thats your nickname. Now lets get down to business. Shall we?" 

The boys both laugh. 

"What happened to the sweet princessa I met yesterday?" 

Martino asks and I give him the simplest answer I can think of. 

"She died."

They look bemused. 

"Can you boys teach me everything you know or not?" I ask straight forward. 

"No problemo. Of course we can teach you but your body will be aching by the end of everyday." I laugh in spite of myself. 

"So don't come crying to me when you're in pain." Xavier muses. 

"Don't worry, I won't." 

They both smile at me, then nod to each other. Oh Lord, what did I get myself into? Training started almost right away. Well we did eat first, then started the training.

First thing they made me do was see if I could touch my toes. Classic. Boys will be boys and it wasn't that bad. I saw Thomas looking at my butt  and again I saw the fire in his eyes. That made me bend further. At that point, he stopped lifting weights, grunted then left.

Martini looked at me, then to where Thomas just left through the gym doors and smirked. 

"I do hope you know that you have him whipped." 

I look at him. 

"What?" I ask completely lost in my thoughts about Thomas. 

"Oh my dear God. Mila, you have him pussy whipped for you. You do know the right?" I shrug 

"mmhmm sure I do." 

I stretch up and move over to the boxing ring. 

"We gunna spar or what?" 

Martino smirks and jumps into the ring beside me. 

"Sure thing 'little girl'. Just tell me if I'm going too hard." 

I glare at him but smile too. From the sidelines Xavier yells 


Then one after the other the punches keep coming, never yielding.


That night I went to my room with a bloody nose, black eye and a bruised rib. It hurt to even breath as much as a hint of fresh air. Mina promised to be up shortly to bandage me up. So I'm gunna take a nice long bath to relax. I let the water rise to about mid thigh and step in. 

I sigh as the warm water instantly relaxes my tense muscles. I sink to the bottom, letting my head go under for a while. I hear a muffled knock at the door and I slowly sit up so that my head is showing above the water and sleepily say. 


Thinking its Mina I sit up, letting the upper half  of my body to show fully. When I don't hear a 'hello' I get a little nervous to who is in the washroom looking at my bare, marked up back. 

"I know you aren't Mina, so who is it?" I ask hoping its anyone but.....

"Amelia, Im sorry but you need to hear me out."

...Thomas. I automatically choke up but attempt to speak. 

"Then talk but at least pass me the first aid kit so I can bandage myself up." 

I hear a throaty laugh, then a husky response. 

"sorry no can do princessa. I'm playing doctor tonight."

 I take deep breath knowing he is going to see my naked body. 

"Thomas, I'm..." 

He interrupts me. 

"You are beautiful and nothing less. Let me fix your wounds and make them better."

I blush and face him with newfound confidence. He sucks in a hiss of a breath, now looking at my chest.

"So poetic...who knew you liked poetry." 

He smiles, his eyes never wavering from mine. He walks up to me and in a husky voice he asks 

"may I?"

While gesturing to my body. To my surprise I give him a slight nod.

"Yes you may."

With a smile.

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