(25) Twins

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Amelia POV

Everything is a blur. I see doctors and nurses rushing around me and Thomas yelling at them to hurry up but I don't hear or feel anything. I know I'm crying my ass off and that I'm in pain but I don't feel it.

Thomas comes to me and asks me a question which I don't hear. I see a doctor telling him that I'm in shock and he stiffens.

Suddenly everything come back. Blaring beeping sounds and yelling as well as the sounds of me crying fill my ears. God the pain comes back full force and I scream bloody murder.

"Help my fucking babies! I don't care about me! Just...help them!"

I cry. Thomas comes to me and holds me close to him. I can feel him shaking with rage and fear. He looks down at me as I look up at him and the moment our eyes meet...blackness clouds my vision.

Sounds are fading.
Light is darkening.
Warmth is chilling.
I'm fading away.
I'm dying.

Thomas POV

Amelia's heart monitor goes bezerk as I watch the life draining from my angels eyes. Doctors yell at me to move but I'm numb and glued to where I am. Doctors eventually push me out of the way and into the hall.

There I fall onto my knees and scream. I scream loud enough so that God can hear me and my pain. My eyes blur over to the point where I can't see who just sunk to the floor beside me and is now holding me.

"Shhhh. Shhhhh. Thomas she will be okay. She is strong. She will not leave you and the twins alone."

The person I now realize is my mother says.

"She's gone mom. I saw the life drain from her eyes."

I cry out to her. Hoping that God and all the angels can hear my sorrow. The sorrow that they are making me feel. A doctor comes out of her room and looks down at my slumped and shaking mess of a figure. He kneels down and says,

"We have revived her. She's alive. We're going to do an emergence Cesarean section surgery on her."

I look up at him with wide red puffy tear filled eyes.

"She's back?"

I ask, my voice hoarse. The doctor nods.

"Would you like to come see her? We are going to perform the surgery soon, would you like to stay for that too?"

He asks and I nod.

"Will she be awake?"

I ask hopefully and he sighs.

"Sir I'm not going to lie to you. Honestly I don't know. Every person is different."

I shakily nod and get up on wobbly legs.


I say and follow him back into the room. Looking back at my mom and see her nodding at me with her phone in her hand.

"I'll call them."

She mouths at me and I weakly nod then turn and close the door. My angel is strapped to the bed all covered in blue blankets and an oxygen mask tied to her face. Tears fall from my eyes as I stand beside her and drip onto her beautiful face.

The doctors tell me they're going to start shortly so I take a seat by her head and run my fingers through her hair, just how she loves it. The head doctor comes into the room with some nurses behind him and they start to prepare Amelia for surgery while the doctor talks to me.

"Sir, we're going to take her to surgery now. Are you coming with us still?"

He asks and I give a curt nod as my final reply.

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