(9) I accept my life

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(1st edit: 12.18.18)

After dinner that night I walk up to my room without Thomas and lay face first into my pillow. 

"Why is my life so horrid?" 

I ask my pillow. Thomas walks in as I finish my question to my pillow and asks. 

"Bebita...estas bien?(babygirl...are you okay?)" 

He climbs into bed and wraps his protective arms around me. I nod. 

"yeah, I'm good. Just talking to my pillow."

He laughs. Oh what a glorious sound, it makes my heart melt. 

"Do you know how crazy you sound?" 

He asks and I just shrug. 

"I guess a lot crazy?" 

He pulls me to his chest and plants a kiss to my head while rubbing my back. 

"Yeah but thats alright. I love your crazy. It's adorable." 

I smile and fall asleep to the thumping of Thomas' steady heart beat.


I wake up wrapped up in blankets while Thomas holds me as if I might slip away any moment. The fear and worry in his eyes are indescribable. My bedroom door bursts open with my father carrying two loaded glocks, one in each hand. 

"Whats going on?" I look frantically at both of them just as Martino rushes in. 

"Mila! My Lord. Por favor(please), tell me you're okay!"  

By this point i'm shaking and I realize theres a throbbing pain in my side. I look at Thomas and ask softly 

"whats happening?" 

He stiffles a sob. 

"Bebita, you've been shot. Please try not to move." 

Now I feel the fun extent of my pain and I can't hold back the scream that leaves me. 

As I scream in excruciating pain my dad yells at some men through a walkie talkie. 

"Asegurar el perimetro! Quirero que este lugar de encierro absoluto!(Secure the perimeter! I want this place of absolute confinement!)" 

Meanwhile Thomas is pacing the room with a loaded SIG sauer mpx at his side. Every time he looks at me the rage in his eyes blazes. 

The estates medic runs into the room and gives me a sedative. Then works on stitching my wound up while Thomas is yelling at him that he wasn't fast enough and that he needs to hurry up. He takes fifteen minutes to stitch up my bullet wound with no faults. 

After he's finished and leaves I start to cry again. I beckon Thomas over to me and he's by my side, holding me in a flash. 

"ester aquí.(im here)" 

Is all I hear him say before everything goes black.


I open my eyes and I'm still wrapped in blankets, in my room and snuggled into Thomas' chest. The pain in my side is numb compared to before. 

"The doctor gave you local anaesthetics to ease the pain. How do you feel hermosa(beautiful)?" 

I wipe away a tear. 

"Who did this to me?" 

I ask softly. Thomas sighs

"The boy in the cell got loose, said he was sorry. That its just an order he had to follow." 

I start to cry then stop almost as fast as I started. He did this to me after I was so nice to him?! I'm about to ask how he escaped or where he is now but instead I say. 

"Make the pain go away." 

Thomas lets out a breath as if he was waiting for me to say that, then kisses me softly while tracing circles in my soon to be scar. 

I wince slightly and he gently moves his fingers a little towards my centre. I whimper with anticipation. All he does is trace circles just bellow my belly button. 

"Es demasiado pronto, pero déjame amarte.(It's too soon, but let me love you)"  

He says with a smirk but his eyes betray him and show sadness and pain. 

Two emotions he would never allow anyone to see other than me. I kiss his lips lightly. 

"I'm going to be fine Thomas. Don't worry about me." 

He smiles softly and says. 

"I know but worrying about you is my job bebita." 

I smile then sigh. 

"Wheres Martini?"

I ask. 

"He probably left after I passed out, didn't he?"

Thomas smiles 

"He was so damned worried about you. He never left your side till the doc said he should give you time to heal before telling you something. Something that he's wanted to tell you for a while too."

I raise my eyesbrows, a habit I adopted from Thomas. 

"What did he want to tell me?" 

I ask as curiosity got the best of me. 

"I honestly can't tell you. Martino needs to be the one to tell you." 

I sigh in defeat. 

"Okay, lets go find him then, or can you find him for me and tell him to come see me? please?" 

Thomas stands and does a little bow. 

"As you wish princessa."

I laugh and blow him a kiss.

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