(28) Frickity Frack

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Sorry guys it's been crazy here cause of the whole COVID-19 thing. And now it's Easter so HAOPY EASTER!!!! Please enjoy these two chapters.

Amelia's POV


Cami yells as a contraction hits her. I rush towards her and rub her back as she's sitting up when the next contraction hits her. The doctor comes in and puts machines on Cami then nurses come and put her on an IV drip. Since she's already told them she doesn't want an epidural they just try to make her as comfortable as possible. I walk over to Doctor Grey and ask the most obvious question.

"She's having twins now? How is that even possible?"

Doctor Grey looks up from Cami's chart and looks as shocked as I do as she replies slowly.

"It seems that when myself and other doctors were checking up on Cami's pregnancy we didn't notice another heart beat or fetus."

I look at her bewildered.

"But how is that possible?"

I ask again and she nods.

"I have talked to my colleagues and Cami's other doctors like doctor Mario Perrera and have come to the realization that fetus A was bigger than fetus B and in the happening fetusA's heart beat overpowered fetus B's so that we couldn't hear it and since fetus A was bigger we couldn't see fetus B in ultrasounds."

I look at her with wide eyes. I'm completely shocked and worried for Cami and her baby...babies now. Thomas comes up behind me and hugs me while placing his face into the curve of my neck and kisses along the muscle there. My body slightly eases at his presence but the worry never leaves my voice as I ask doctor Grey my next question.

"So what happens now? What's the plan?"

Doctor looks from me to the chart then back at me.

"We will try to do an ultrasound and get a look at fetus B. But regardless, both will have to be born today. What happens after that depends on the condition of the fetus'"

I sigh and look at my shoulder to see Thomas already looking at me and I can see that he is scared and worried too. That this hug is just as much for him as it is for me.


I hear Camilla's tired and pain filled voice call out. I turn out of Thomas' grasp and walkover to her bed and hold her hand. She squeezes it as another contraction hits her. I shush her and rub her back with my opposite hand while Xavier, who is on the other side of Cami, is wincing at how strong Cami's grips on his hand. I bet she is only holding my hand but is squeezing the life out of his.

"I'm here Cami, I'm here."

I say and she smiles through the pain as the contraction ends.

"Frickity Frack these frickin contractions hurt like a son of a cactus."

She says and I can't control myself. I laugh. She looks at me then laughs too, as does Xav and Thomas. I look at her and try to stop laughing but i just can't. She looks at me trying to stop laughing and laughs even harder.

"Frickity Frack? Son of a cactus?"

I ask and she smiles while wincing, if that's even possible, when another contraction hits her. Xavier looks at me when he's done laughing and rolls his eyes as he explains.

"She's having babies. She's trying to not to swear so when the babies are born that they won't hear swearing. She's even making the boys and I stop swearing around her and the babies too."

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