The Storming Arrival-PT1

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It's June 6th, 1944. You were on a boat heading to Normandy beach, you were with your best friend Jack Stratton. Best buds with him since boot camp.

Your POV-

(F/N): "Hay Jack!"

Jack: "Ya!"

(F/N): "Ready to take France back from the krauts"

Jack: "Hell to the fucking ya!"

(F/N): "Ya! Fuck them krauts!"

Sergeant: "T-5 minutes until we hit Normandy"

Jack and I get ourselves ready for combat. After heading to the deck of the boat we met our commander, he said that some of us might not come back, but I didn't really care that was a chance that I was willing to take.

Sergeant: "Get your ass down here

(F/L): "I'm on it Sarge!"

After I said that I started climbing down the Rope into my Landing boat

Sergeant: "Good to see you could make it private (L/N)."

(F/N): "Good to see you too Sarge"

Jack: "That's the spirit!"


I yelled to the driver of the boat. The boat then took off with the other boats to the beach. We started receiving machine gun fire.


Everyone started to get into the crouching position and waited for the front door to drop so they could storm the beach.

Jack: "Hope your ready for hell everyone!!"

Everyone in the boat: "Ya!!!!"

Driver: "Door dropping in 5 4 3 2 1 door dropping"

Front door dropped for 2 seconds and we were already receiving machine gun fire. Half the crew was already dead. I ended up noticing Jack on top of me trying to get me up, just for him to get hit in the back of the head by a bullet.

(F/N): "JACK!!!"

After I said that I looked around and noticed my entire crew is dead except for me, even the driver of the boat was dead, the Gunner on the boat was dead, everybody was dead no survivors except for me.

I looked up and noticed a artillery round heading straight for me.

(F/N): "FUCK!!!"

Everything went black and I heard no screams no nothing. I thought I were dead.

(F/N): "Is this what it feels like to be dead?"

You close your eyes for the last time only for you to reopen your eyes, you noticed you were in a forest, a place you've never seen before. It was pitch black out.

(F/N): "Where am I?"

You looked around and saw what looks to be a city.

(F/N): "Civilization, where am I"

You wandered around a bit until you noticed a shop the shop was named "From Dust Till Dawn".

(F/N): "Ha, catchy name I guess. Maybe I could ask who runs this place where I am."

You walk into the shop and immediately got the store owners attention

Shopkeeper: "Hello there how may I help you, sir"

(F/N): "Yeah I need to know where-"

Before you could finish you heard a familiar noise, someone cocked a gun right behind you

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