Welcome to Beacon and initiation!

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Jack: "how could you let me die?"

(F/N): "it's not my fault!"

You said extremely distressed

Jack: "yes it is your fault"

(F/N): "there's nothing I could have done!"

End of dream-

You shot out of bed panting (by the way, you're in a hotel in Vale and you found out the money system)

(F/N): "AHH! What time is it?"

You look at your watch and notice it's 6 o clock

(F/N): "Shit, I've got an hour and 30 minutes to get ready!"

You get your armor combat gear and uniform on

Time skip 1 hour and 30 minutes-

You walk outside and the Bullhead picks you up and takes you to a bigger ship that is transferring a lot of the students to Beacon Academy. The ship started to take off and you took a seat in the back away from the students. You also knew your getting a lot of stares from the students

(F/N): "well time to get used to school life again but I've been told by Ozpin that this was a combat training school so... ya, this should be fun"

Just then you heard Ruby and a blonde talking

Blonde: "Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees!"

Ruby: "I don't want to be the "bee's knees" , okay? I don't wanna be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees."

Blonde: "what's with you? Aren't you excited?"

Ruby: "Of course I'm excited...I just... I got moved to head two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything"

The blonde put her arm around Ruby

Blonde: "But you are special."

News guy: "... The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities"

You then stand up and hold your fist out

(F/N): "Him"

You said sounding extremely pissed off. But Ruby and the blonde noticed you. The blond and Ruby walked up to you

(F/N): "Oh, hey Ruby"

Ruby: "Hay... What's your name?"

The blonde one looks at both of you in confusion

Blonde: "do you two... know each other?"

Ruby: "oh I met him when I was taking on Roman torchwick. He was all like pow pow pow at Roman and his henchman-"

She made gun fingers while saying that, but then you interrupted her

(F/N): "The names (F/N) (L/N) and it's nice to meet you"

You said holding out your hand first to Ruby, without a second thought She took your hand and Shook It. Then you did the same to the blonde, she hesitated at first but then took your hand and said

Yang: "Yang, Yang Xiao long"

She winked at you and you just smiled while shaking your head

Ruby: "And I'm Ruby Rose!"

Well it's nice to meet both of you, Miss xiao long and Miss Rose"

Yang: "so formal... I like it"

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