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Y/n: "FUCK!"

Y/n screamed out as he was forced to dodge an incoming claw from a beowolf. But, due to his injured leg, he ended up having the claw cut a line across his cheek.

All of team rwby then kicked into action and started decimating groups of beowolves at a time.

Y/n: "Can I just get a break!?"

He screamed out as he proceeded to punch the beowolf square in the eye, this resulted in the thing reeling back in pain. Y/n dodged ANOTHER incoming beowolf and unloaded a full clip from one of his M1911. The rounds went straight through the back of the beasts neck and through its brain, resulting in the the body going limp and hitting the ground.

For a small moment, y/n looked behind him to the rest of team rwby and watched as they kicked the grimms ass. Ruby was supposedly surrounded. Well not anymore because she nailed her Crescent Rose into the ground beneath her to hold her in place and proceeded to literally fucking run on the beowolves resulting in the wolves to be sent flying backwards. Yang just fucking jumped off the head of a beowolf and then shot at them. Her recoil sent her flying in the air so fast that it would give the P-51 a run for its money. But it seems her luck ran out on her as three nevermores smashed straight into her. She ended up getting thrown at the speed of a bullet and got drilled straight through the pavemented ground.

Blake narrowly dodged a beowolf claw and then struck back with her katana. The sword want right through the beowolf's lower jaw and out the top of its head. Blake then kicked the beast's corpse aside as she knelt down and turned her katana into a small handgun and unloaded into nearby grimm. Weiss on the other hand was doing precise jabs with her rapier. Each strike taking a beowolf's life. She then summoned a white glyph underneath her and slashed to the side and killed multiple grimm at once.


Y/n looked back in front of him and just in a small instant, he saw a beowolf mouth in front of his face. It was the one he socked in the eye. He then made an audible gulp as he raised his hands and caught the top and bottom canine teeth.

-To Yang-

Yang was in the mist of beating the shit out of a beowolf, she stopped when she heard a distressed yell. She turned back to see y/n with a beowolf on top of him trying to bite his face off.

Y/n: "FUCK!!!"

Yang suddenly remembered back to the base infiltration incident and shivered at what y/n looked at the time. Her eyes immediately turned blood red as she picked up a random car. She was not letting it happen, ever again...

-Back to Y/n-

Y/n: "Get off damn it!!!"

He yelled struggling not to become this things chew toy. His struggling seized as the beowolf that was on top of him suddenly disappeared. He looked to his left and saw that the beowolf was struck by a flying car.

Yang: "Are you alright!?"

Y/n looked to his right to juat to see Yang holding her arm out to him, obviously worried. He just nodded as Yang just smiled knowing that he's semi-alright. Y/n grabbed a hold of her arm and she helped him up.

Y/n: "Thank you for that... Didn't want to end up being that things chew toy..."

Y/n managed to tell her because the beowolf knocked the wind out of him.

She just nodded a bit, sighing with relief. That relief was immediately intrupted by screaming.


Y/n: "Uh? What?"

He looked to the see who was screaming, when suddenly he spotted Nora flying through the air with her hammer towards the King Taijitu that was originally going to strike Ruby, but Nora basically said "Fuck you" with her hammer strike to the head of the over grown snake. The strike resulted in the grimm to be nailed into the ground underneath it. Nora backed up quite a bit, just when she did that, the rest of team JNPR showed up. Though, with Pyrrha landing in like a damn superhero.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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