No... How!?

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Y/n watched as the Nazi engineering team got back to work on the maus's.

Y/n's mind: "What the hell am I supposed to do now!?"

He just lied there trying to think of a way out.

Nazi Engineer: "Huh?"

Y/n's thoughts were interrupted as one of the engineer's realized that something was off. The Nazi got into a kneeling position and inspected a boot print that was imprinted in the dust on the floor. Just then another engineer walked up next to the one kneeling.

2nd Nazi Engineer: "Was ist es? Irgendetwas ist nicht in Ordnung?" (Translation-What is it? Something wrong?)

1st Nazi Engineer: "Ja, Sie sind heute nicht zufällig hierher gekommen?" (Translation-Yeah, you didn't happen to come in here by any chance earlier today?)

2nd Nazi Engineer: "Nein, das letzte Mal, dass ich hier war, war gestern..." (Translation-No, Last time I was in here was yesterday...)

1st Nazi Engineer: "Hmm..."

The engineer scratched his chin as he followed the boot prints to the side of the maus. The engineer bent down and inspected the sudden amount of dust missing which came from y/n sliding underneath the maus. Y/n immediately held his breath in order to not let his rapid breathing give him away. The Nazi engineer then looked to the right underneath the tank and immediately saw y/n just lying there.

Y/n: "..."

Nazi engineer: "..."

There was a moment of silence as y/n and the engineer had a staring contest.


Y/n: "Fuck..."

The Nazi guards immediately came running to the engineer that saw y/n and surrounded the maus, that was under construction, that he was under.

MG-42 Guard: "Werfen Sie alle Waffen weg und kommen Sie mit den Händen hoch!" (Translation-Throw away any weapons and come out with your hands up!"

Y/n: "Fuck... I'm out numbered and out gunned..."

Y/n just clenched his teeth as he realized he was out of options. So he did the logical thing. The Nazis just waited for a response, either to shoot or- Suddenly an MG-42 came sliding out from under the tank along with an M1911 Handgun. That's the response they wanted. Y/n crawled out from under the tank with his hands up, when he looked up he was met with the guards aiming their STG-44's and the MG-42 at him. Y/n just laughed a bit.

STG-44 Guard: "Was ist so lustig!?" (Translation-What's so funny!?)

Y/n just looked them dead in the eyes.

Y/n: "Well, looks like you caught me..."

All the guards along with the engineers gasped when he spoke.

STG-44 Guard 2: "Ein amerikanischer Hund!" (Translation-An American Dog!"

Y/n just growled.

Y/n: "Ay! Fick dich!" (Translation-Ay! Fuck you!)

Suddenly Y/n felt a searing pain in the back of his head, that's when he realized one of the guards came up behind him and bashed him in the back of the head with the butt of an STG-44. Everything started to go blurry as he hit the ground with a thud and then passing out.

STG-44 Guard 3: "Sollen wir ihn töten?" (Translation-Should we kill him?)

MG-44 Guard: "Nein, er könnte sich als nützlich erweisen für Informationen über diese Welt und was zum Teufel diese schwarzen Dämonenwesen sind..." (Translation Nein, he could prove useful for information on this world and what the hell those black demon creatures are...)

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