Class, Bullies and the Aura

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Your POV

After an hour of waiting to get our dorm room number, We finally got it. Our dorm number was room 254. When we got there, we noticed that there were only four beds. But thankfully I had my military sleeping bag.

Yang: "Not the most prettiest" She said a bit saddened.

Weiss: "Wait (F/N), Where are you going to sleep?"

(F/N): "Sleeping on the floor, I've got my sleeping bag"

Ruby: "Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?"

(F/N): "I've slept in worse"

Yang: "How so?"

(F/N): "Slept in a trench"

Blake: "What's a trench?" She said with a confused look.

(F/N): "Oh... Ya, imagine a hole seven foot deep and six feet wide..."

Yang: "Ok... Keep going"

(F/N): "now imagine it being a hundred feet long and completely filled with men and ammunition. Also halfling to sleep and fight in there. Oh and don't forget it was completely made out of dirt and sand bags."

They stood there looking at you completely speechless

(F/N): "I never told you where I was from or my past did I?"

Ruby: "Nope!" She said sounding like she wants to hear your story.

You look down remembering the hell you went through.

Ruby: "You have to talk about it if you don't want to" she said waving her hands in front of her and shaking her head.

(F/N): "No... It's fine. Long story short I've been through hell and back."

Weiss: "Wait... What do you mean?"

(F/N): "Well, first of all... I was storming Normandy beach with my buddies, then the landing boat door went down and they all got gunned to hell. I watched my friend die right in front of me, he got his head blown off. Dam fucking MG 15's, after I watched my friend die, I looked up just to see an artillery round about to hit me. At that point everything went black and I woke up at night in the fucking forest. Then I saw this city from the forest, went over to a dust shop that Ruby was at. Then I had this guy tried to rob me which I reacted by taking out my shovel and stabbing him in the neck with it, splattering blood all over the place. And now I'm here, so you guys happy now. Oh yeah and I'm from a different planet apparently, funny sounds like something straight out of Science Fiction... He... He.... He."

I pulled out my friends dog tags, I looked up and saw a bunch of mixed emotions in all of them.

Ruby: "I... I-I Don't know what to say..."

(F/N): "No need to say anything let's just head to bed" I said as I put away my friends dog tags and got in my sleeping bag and fell asleep.

Ruby's POV-

All I can say is "wow" after what (F/N) said to us. For the rest of the night everyone was completely silent until they fell asleep for tomorrow. Tomorrow's classes will start.

Time skip to morning-

I woke up the next morning to Yang poking my nose, I threw my pillow at her to make her to stop and it worked. I already noticed (F/N) was already up and in his uniform with his guns strapped around him.

(F/N): *Whispers* "Psst... Ruby!"

I looked over to see (F/N) handing me a whistle and I got a mischievous idea. I looked at him with a smile on my face and he had one too. I saw Weiss starting to get up so I went over to her and blew the whistle as loud as I could which knocked her out of her bed

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