Major Problems...

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you stood leaning over ozpin's desk

(F/N): "like I said before we have a major problem..."

Ozpin: "and what might that be?" He asked with a curious look

(F/N): "sir... You know the vehicle that you were getting reports about..."

Ozpin: "yes..."

(F/N): "sir... That was a Nazi tank... One of their best models, almost indestructible due to the millimeters of armor it had on it..."

Ozpin: "go on..."

Ozpin was now leaning on his desk looking at you with a serious look on his face and you sighed

(F/N): "sir, I have reason to believe that the Nazis are now on remnant... I don't know how that tank got here, but we need to get the military here ready just in case if there is more... Nazis..."

Ironwood: "If I may interrupt... But what are these 'nazis' you speak of?"

(F/N): "Well general... These Nazis are not regular people..."

Ironwood: "What do you mean by that?"

(F/N): "What I mean is... The Nazis are ruthless cold-blooded killers. They have done many war crimes and killed millions..."

Ironwood just stood there silent

(F/N): "and if we don't deal with this now... All of Remnant could potentially fall to the Nazis..."

Ironwood: "well our army is more Superior then them..."

(F/N): "Never underestimate your enemy... Wait a minute..."

Ozpin: "what the matter?"

*You widened your eyes in horror*

(F/N): "How in the hell did they get a maus up and running?"

Ironwood: "if I may interrupt, but... What is a maus and what do you mean how did they get that up and running?"

(F/N): "the maus is that super heavy tank I was taking about and it's supposed to be a prototype but it had many problems... For instance, the thing was a mass fuel consumer and broke down often..."

Ironwood: "oh... But how did they get it up and running...?"

He said while scratching his chin

(F/N): "That's the thing I'm still trying to figure out..."

Ozpin: "agreed..."

(F/N): "Ozpin... I have a request..."

Ozpin: "and what might that be (f/n)?"

(F/N): "Sir, I request to lead a small scouting party, sir"

Ozpin sat there looking down in deep thought and then took a sip of his coffee

Ozpin: "I will allow it, take whichever team you need but... Make sure you all come back in one piece..."

(F/N): "Sir, yes sir!"

I saluted and walked past team RWBY

(F/N): "come on, let's go... Oh... And ozpin..."

Ozpin: "yes?"

(F/N): "Me and my scouting party will be heading out in approximately 3 to 4 days if that's okay with you..."

Ozpin: "fine by me... As long as you come back in one piece..."

(F/N): "sir, yes sir"

Team RWBY and I walked to our dorm

Time Skip at the dorm-

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