Base infiltration

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Blake: "So, those are the Nazis you were speaking of?"

She stated quietly while looking at the base. Said base had roughly 3 barracks, 2 hangers and one command center and was fenced in with guards in grey and black armor patrolling the outside of the fence line. The guards were armed with MG-42's and STG-44's.

Y/n: "Yeah..."

Y/n looked through his binoculars and noticed some type of strange gate in the center of all the structures.

Y/n: "The hell?"

Ruby: "What is it?"

Y/n: "Look..."

Y/n handed the binoculars to Ruby and pointed at the strange arch-like gate.

Ruby: "Eh? What is it?"

Y/n: "No clue..."

Y/n stated while Ruby handed the binoculars to Yang, then Blake and finally Weiss. Y/n let out a heavy ass sigh and looked to team rwby with seriousness plastered on his face.

Y/n: "Listen... I want you all to head back and notify ozpin about this..."

Yang: "Wait! What about you? What are you going to do?"

Y/n: "Me? I'm infiltrating that base to get whatever information I can get..."

He said while unslinging his lewis and looking over to the base.

Ruby: "B-But you can't go alone!"

Y/n put his hands on Ruby's shoulders and looked her in her silver eyes with his silver/grey eyes.

Y/n: "Listen, this is my fight... Not yours and I need you guys to notify ozpin just in case things go South here..."

Ruby: "B-But-"

Y/n put a finger to her mouth to quiet her.

Y/n: "Not another word... I want to do this..."

He looked over to the rest of team rwby and spoke sternly.

Y/n: "Got it?"

Rwby: "okay..."

Team Rwby then took off towards beacon. With that out of the way y/n looked over to the base.

Y/n: "This is going to be fun..."

He stated while grinning. Not a moment later he got up and slid down the right side of the cliff and landing on his feet with a thud.

Y/n: "This may or may not work, but... It is the only chance I have to get into the base..."

Y/n sighed as he crept up behind one of the guards while pulling out his hidden knife that was holstered on his right thigh. In one swift movement he used his left hand to cover the guards mouth and then stabbed him in the right side of the neck. He then pulled the now dead guard into one of the nearby shrubs and he made sure to get no blood on either his or the guards clothes.

Y/n: "Sorry bud, but I'm going to have to barrow these..."

Y/n whispered as he started to take the guards clothes, boots, helmet and his MG-42. He then grabbed the guards name tag and read it.

Y/n: "Adelar Kaplan... Well going to need this..."

Y/n just sighed as he got out of his clothes and dressed into the guards uniform.

Y/n: "A little tight but that doesn't matter, all that matters is how the Nazis got here..."

With that said y/n grabbed the mg-42, that had an ammo drum, and got up and made his way to the gateway entrance of the base.

Y/n: "Let's just hope my German is convincing

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Y/n: "Let's just hope my German is convincing..."

Y/n formally walked up to the gate entrance and nazi saluted the guards at the gate and handed them the Germans ID. They just looked to one another and looked back to y/n.

Gate Guard: "Warum sind Sie von Patrouille Kaplan?" (Translation-Why are you off patrol Kaplan?)

Y/n: "Ich habe dem Kommandanten etwas zu berichten..." (Translation-I have something to report to the commander...)

The guard just sighed and y/n started to get nervous hoping he didn't already blow this cover. But he didn't let his nervousness show. The guard nodded and opened the gate.

Gate guard: "Gut, es ist besser gut..." (Translation- Alright, it better be good...)

Y/n: "Danke..." (Translation-Thank you...)

Y/n just nodded and walked through the gate and followed the large dirt road that looked like a tank just recently passed by. He looked around making sure no one was following him. Not a second later it was clear for him and he started to follow the tank tracks. A few seconds later he realized that the tank tracks were leading to the garages.

Y/n: "Ficken..." (Translation-Fuck...)

Y/n just sighed as he walked to the side of the garage and tried to open the door but to be disappointed that it was locked.

Y/n: "Damn..."

Y/n looked around to make sure no one was nearby. When it was clear he got to one knee and pulled out a small lock pick set.

Y/n: "Time to put what I learned to use..."

He fumbled with the lock pick for a few minutes until he heard the satisfying click from the door lock. He then turned the knob and it opened.

Y/n: "Yes!"

He yelled/whispered and carefully walked in while closing the door behind him. When he turned on the light he gasped loudly.

Y/n: "H-Holy shit..."

Right in front of him were 2 maus super heavy tanks. It wasn't the tanks that shocked him... It was what was next to the maus's. Crates of yellow electric dust. When he got closer one of the maus's engine was sitting on the ground and he walked over to the engine and it looked completely different from when he saw the blueprints to the maus.

Y/n: "Fuck!"

He yelled out as he realized the engine was a custom nazi electric dust engine that powered the maus.

At this point y/n was breathing heavily. It just made it worse when he looked over to his left and saw the ammo, the ammo were HEAT rounds infused with high-explosive dust.

Y/n: "I-Ive got to report this!"


Y/n: "N-No..."

That click was the sound of the door being unlocked. Y/n immediately turned off the lights and then slid under one of the maus. Just when he did the door opened revealing several nazi tank mechanic's along with 5 nazi guards armed with STG-44's and one with an MG-42.

Y/n: "Fuck..."

(I... I don't even know where to begin, well first of all I am so, so sorry to everyone who has been waiting for this part since July I think is was... I've just been going through pretty rough time with everything that's been going on, but I won't waste time in explaining what. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and asked me to continue this story, I wanted to complete this part for so long, but me being lazy and having to deal with issues, I wasn't able to post this part. I've been also as you can see trying out new writing styles for a while now... But still thank you everyone for supporting me... Anyway, be prepared for the next part called, "No... How!?"... By anyways... GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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