Operation Blackbird

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It's been a day since y/n infiltrated that base and it's started to worry team rwby. At the moment team rwby was lying in their custom bunks (Which looks nowhere near safe at all...) In their dorm. Ruby was the first to speak up.

Ruby: "I hope Y/n is alright..."

She said looking a bit down. Blake then looked to Ruby.

Blake: "Don't worry Ruby, remember that y/n took down a Boarbatusk with just a shovel, a... Shovel... I don't think many people can pull that off..."

Ruby just giggled a bit as she remembered that.

Ruby: "Yeah... Your right"

Ruby stated while smiling, but deep down she was still worried about y/n. Sure he took down a Boarbatusk with a shovel... But those people he was fighting had guns and knives. Just then the PA turned on.

Ozpin: "Will team rwby report to my office please."

Yang: "Wonder what he needs us for?"

Weiss: "Maybe y/n is back?"

Ruby: "I hope so..."

Ruby said while pouting a bit.

Blake: "Well whatever it is... Let's not keep him waiting..."

Ruby: "Agreed!"

Ruby cheered while jumping up and down. Team rwby then left their dorm and made their way to ozpins office.

-Back to Y/n, after one day of hell-

Y/n: "D-Damn... You... all... "

He barely managed to get out before being thrown back into the cell with a heavy thud.

-Back to Team Rwby, Ozpin's office-

Team rwby just walked out the elevator door and into ozpin's office. Ozpin was sitting in his chair as usual with his unlimited cup of coffee. But something was off... Ozpin didn't have his normal stotic expression or even smiling. He had a frown on his face and that meant something was very wrong, the atmosphere was also very unsettling.

Yang: "You called for us?"

Ozpin then turned looked to them with that unsettling stare that meant something was wrong.

Ozpin: "Yes, as you all know y/n has been missing for a day now and not come back..."

Team rwby just looked down disappointed. Ozpin then sighed and then continued.

Ozpin: "Well... I've got even more bad news..."

Ruby: "W-What do you mean more bad news?"

The four just looked to him worried.

Ozpin: "Well... Y/n, he was captured by the Nazis..."

They all gasped at the sudden news.

Ozpin: "Yes, they found out that he really wasn't a German guard and now he's imprisoned by them..."

Weiss: "H-How do you know all this?"

Ozpin: "I've been trying to keep track of him through this..."

He handed them a type of tablet that had a video recording of y/n getting shoved into a cell. It was hard to see y/n's condition because the camera was zoomed out quite a bit.

Blake: "Can this thing zoom in farther?"

Ozpin just sighed.

Ozpin: "I'm afraid not... Somethings blocking me from zooming in farther..."

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