this love is real

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I woke up earlier then normal, so I just decided to go head and eat breakfast I slowly walked down the stairs holding on to the banister Cuz I was so clumsy I went to the pantry and grab some honey combs and got the milk out the fridge. I grabbed a bowl and spoon. I had a major weggie I looked around to see if someone was watching me I quickly pick it out

'' whoaaaaa there'' Robert said

Robert was my mom new husband

''where you come from?'' I said

''outside having my morning smoke before your mom gets up you know she can't stand me smoking in the house''

Robert said as he grabbed him a bowl and poured him some cereal and milk and then he started drinking from the jug.

''ewww I think I'll eat breakfast at school'' I said disguised and putting the bowl and spoon back. I walked up the stairs and passed mama.

''was Robert smoking again'' she whisper, careful not to let him hear her


''don't lie to me girl''

mama was fun but she could get strict at times

''yes ma'am and he drunk out of the jug ewww''

she chuckled quietly and continue on walking down the stairs I stood there watching her.


Robert jumped spilling a splash of milk, she began laughing she went up to him and hugged him still laughing I enjoyed seeing my mom happy, anyone can tell she was in love. I hope one day I can feel that way but for now I just focus on my school work. I ran up stairs to wake up my brother and sister. First I went to shmaya room then I went to DJ it took me almost five minutes to wake him up since a really deep sleepier

''what do youuuu want?'' he asked rubbing his eyes.

''get up it our first day back to school'' I said wishing we could have an extra week of spring break

I walk out running to the bathroom before Shmaya(because she is a bathroom Hogg) I got there just in time.

''hey not fair'' shmaya said with her arms folded against her chest tapping her foot waiting as if I was going bow down and let her go first please

''life not fair'' I laugh in her face and take a quick shower and put on my new outfit Robert bought me for my birthday. I slipped it on and looked in the mirror I was wearing a neon green shirt with the word ''pink'' in big bold hot pink colors and hot pink pants and some light green sandels that wrapped around my foot. I put my hair in a pony tail my hair was really long for a black girl and I didn't take for granite

''JOCELYN'' my mom called ''you're gonna be late for your first day back'' I looked at my new watch mom brought me it was 7:53 I grabbed my book bag and keys gave mom and Robert a quick kiss on the check and ran to my car. I turned on my radio and it was on station 103x even though I came from the ghetto part of town and was raised by ghetto people I was still into while people music and what I would so for a nice looking white boy I giggle at my self a little I stop the car at a red light when I turn my head and I seen this lady and boy aguring

''mom its my first day at easternwood high I need you to drive me'' he snapped '' I told you I have to go to work early''

''HEY'' I yell they both look in my direction ''I go to easternwood high I can give you a ride'' he looked then ran towards my car be fore the light turned green ''thanks'' he says when he get in the car he was really cute hot even he had sandy brown hair his eyes were mint green and when he smiled he had the deepest dimples I ever seen, he had on a baby blue polo shirt and khaki shorts I glance at him

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