tweleve: the help

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"how are you gonna help" I ask not sure if I should trust her, she did try to cover me in glue and feathers, she tried to steal my boyfriend, and plus she threatened me "why should I even trust you" I ask  "I figure you was gonna ask, and you have no reason to, bit o would really appreciate it if you would" she said as her phoned rang she glanced at it and looked scared almost

"I gotta go, but we can continue this later" she said running to her car in a hurry


a week later

I woke up to get ready for school, its been a week since I been out of school and resting, I took a shower and got dressed, I put on a white half shirt that had a pair of red lips on it I had a red tank top and blank shorts with my red wedges

I walked down stairs and grab me a apple, me and Gavin was posed to ride to school today but hes late so I just  headed out, when I opened the door Bri was standing there

"ahhh, gurl don't scare me like that" I say then started laughing "so what's up" I ask closing the door behind me

"I heard bout what happened, and I'm soo sorry" she said

I don't want people to say they feel sorry for me or that they heard, I just wanna continue my life  "oh, thanks" I said. "need a ride to school" I ask trying to be polite  "no thanks, but I didn't come here to say Im sorry bout what happen, I came to help" she said

"help?" I ask

"we are friends, and I just wanna help find put who did this to you" Bri said

"umm I guess ,b-" she interrupted me "yay" she said and left before I can say anything


I pulled up to the parking lot of the school, when I see Gavin and Zoe in his car, instead of going over there I just walked past not even looking at them, I thought we were back together I guess not

"hey Jocelyn, wait up" I hear Gavin say running behind me but I don't slow down I speed up

"Jocelyn, slow down" he said catching up and grabbing my arm to turn me around. "whats wrong" he asked trying to give me a kiss but I block him with my hand

"why was Zoe in your car, you was posed to pick me up this morning ?" I ask folding my arms across my chest 

"oh, bae I'm sorry I forgot, and Zoe asked me for a ride" he said rubbing the back of his neck  "she has a car" i said

"so do you"he said frowning his eyebrows I can't believe he had the nerve to say that to me, he is defending her to me

"no what, forget it forget us" I say walking into the school  "Jocelyn, I didn't mean of like that" he said following me

"don't follow me" I said  "we have the same 1 period" he said

I spotted jade by her locker "hey jade, let's walk to first period together" I said "oh you having trouble with ur little boyfriend

"I don't have one anymore" I say a we walk to first period together I walk and we sit in our regular seat, then Gavin and Zoe walk in hand n hand and behind them was a tall, black haired, blue eyed, white boy he was hot he must have been new

"class this is our new student, find a seat young man" said Mr. trickle another sub the boy looked around to find a seat then finally came and sat by me

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