Chapter 4

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For years and years, she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath~

"- He's been inactive on a planet called 'earth' for the last half-decade." Shockwave spoke gesturing to the hologram of said planet.

You rolled the sweet in your intake.

'Stupid elite guards not letting me smoke.'

"Why couldn't you tell me this at my.. issued apartment?" You asked leaning back in the chair

"This equipment doesn't happen to be portable (y/n)." Shockwave replied his optic narrowing

You turned your helm at the sound of a knock on the door.

"Come in." You rolled your optics at the sound of Longarms voice

You scoffed at the shiny blue prime that walked in with a report.

"Yes, Longarm I need-" he looked up and jumped when he saw you, "Longarm who is this!?"

"Sentinel Prime, sir, this is (y/n) an..." he looked at you, "Old friend of mine."

"Yo." You spoke lifting a servo from the chair in greeting

Sentinel just stared at you his idiotically colored blue optics drawing up your frame.

"Tch. Take a picture, it'll last you longer." You grunted flicking the sweet's stick at him

He blinked as shook his helm slightly and looking at Longarm, "What is her programming?"

"Warrior, sir." Longarm stated

"Then why is she not working as such?" Sentinel asked narrowing his gaze

"Because what's the point in fighting when there's no war?" You spoke in a growlly tone

Sentinel seemed offended, "there is still decpicon raids happening as we speak!"

You narrow your optics, "Why don't you go down and see how your bots are living!" You snarled, "Then talk to me about some stragglers raids."

You pushed out of your chair and glared at Sentinel, "It was nice seeing you again Longarm, but I have to go."

You turned sharply on your heel and marched out of the room.

'Scrap we need a smoke.'

As per usual you agreed with what your subconscious had to say.


You vented smoke rolling passed your derma in a pale cloud. The flash of headlights flooded over and passed your form as you walked.

You groaned when you heard the schreeching of tires and the sound of someone transforming.

"(Y/n)!" You groaned more hearing Sentinel's annoying voice

"What do you want Sentinel?" You snarled not slowing your pace

He jogged to catch-up to you, "Slag, you move fast."

"Well, I do it so I don't get caught in conversations with bots like you." You spat out at him  walking faster

"Any way I wanted to talk to you about your programming." Sentinel spoke jogging up beside you

"Why?" You growled drawing in another vent of smoke

Sentinel huffed, "Longarm told me you were a commander in the war."

You grunted, "Yeah, What about it?", You glared at him from the corner of your optic, "Why do you suddenly start caring?"

"Well, I would like you to join the elite guard." Sentinel spoke

"Why?" You grunted

"Well, you are experienced... and.." he paused thinking

"I'm not going to boot camp." You snarled shifting the e-cig in your intake

"Oh! I.. um." He stammered, "Longarm said you should."

You raised a brow, "Did he now?"

"Yes! He did, and I said you'd be an excellent Prime." He spoke puffing his chassis out as he walked

"No you didn't." You snapped

He growled and stopped in front of you.

"Look I'm giving you a chance to get out of the slag-hole onlinging you are currently living in and you are trying to let that slip through your digits!" He snapped, "I know plenty of bots would murder someone to get the chance your getting handed to you on a silver platter."


He chuckled victoriously, "Alright I'll see you in the next two cycles. I'll have Longarm send the information."

With that he transformed and drove off and you sighed loudly.

"I swear to the thirteen..." you vented flicking ashes onto the ground

'Still a fragging idiot I see.'

"Oh shut up you." You snarled at yourself replacing the e-cig into your intake

'Well I'm not the one whose going to bootcamp in two cycles'

"You're me idiot." You grunted and started to walk again

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